It was hard for Armpit to imagine this big, red-bearded guy washing their shirts.

Kaira gave Ginny a good-bye hug. Armpit wouldn’t have minded one of those himself, but he just shrugged and said, “Well, see ya.”

“See ya,” said Kaira.

“So what did you and Kaira whisper to each other?” he asked when they got back to the car.

“It’s a secret,” Ginny said.

“You’re not going to tell me?”


“You’re really not going to tell me?”


“After I take you to this concert and everything, you won’t even tell me? Now I’m mad.”

“Are you really mad?” asked Ginny.


“I didn’t think you were.”

“You didn’t tell her my nickname, did you?”

“I j-just g-gave her a hint.”

“A hint? What kind of a hint?”

“I said it was a p-part of the b-body.”

“That’s even worse!” He could just imagine what she was imagining. “Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter,” he said. “It’s not like I’ll ever see her again.”

“Yes, you will,” said Ginny.

“Oh, I will, will I?”



“Do you realize it’s after midnight?”

“That’s how long concerts last.”

“Then you should have left early.”

“In the middle of the concert?”

“Yes! You had a responsibility to Ginny, and to her mother. You have no idea how worried she was! She was ready to call the police!”

Armpit knew that wasn’t true. He had just come from Ginny’s mother, who was delighted that Ginny had had such a wonderful time.

“The best time of my whole life!” Ginny had said.

They had told her about having ice cream with Kaira DeLeon, but not about the counterfeit tickets. They just said that Ginny had gotten a little overexcited and suffered a mild seizure. She was taken to the medical station, where they met Kaira DeLeon, and so on.