Jerome turned away from Kaira and swung just as Fred lunged at him. The bat cracked hard against Fred’s rib cage, but he kept coming. His hands wrapped around El Genius’s thick neck as the two men fell to the ground.

Kaira watched the bat rolled across the floor and under the TV cabinet. She wanted to scream but couldn’t get a breath. She tried to crawl to the telephone but couldn’t raise herself off the floor.

There was an anguished groan; then Jerome pushed himself up to his knees, took several deep breaths, and stood up the rest of the way. He glanced at Kaira, then went to retrieve the bat.

Fred remained on the floor. Sticking into his stomach was the knife from Armpit’s fruit and cheese plate.

The entrance to Kaira’s hotel suite had double doors, as it was frequently used to host parties. Armpit was surprised to find one of the doors open. He knocked, and when there was no answer, stepped inside.

He could hear the TV coming from the bedroom. “Kaira?” he called.

Jerome froze. He looked down at Kaira, but she was in no condition to cry out.

“Kaira,” Armpit called again.

No answer.

“Look, if you don’t want to see me, I understand. I just came to return the letter. I’m not going to sell it. I don’t want anything from you.”

Jerome moved to the bedroom door, his bat ready. He really didn’t want to have to kill Theodore Johnson. That would just complicate things.

Kaira fought to retain consciousness. She tried to call out, but she had nothing left.

Armpit set the letter on the bar. “I’m just putting it right here on the bar,” he said.

Good, thought Jerome Paisley. Touch the bar.

“Well, I’m going now,” Armpit said. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll never be the same again.”

He waited a moment to see if his little joke might bring her out, but when it didn’t, he headed to the door.

Kaira’s eyes were closed, but her hand felt around under the night table. Her fingers wrapped around an electrical cord. Using every last bit of strength she had left, she pulled the cord.

The lamp came down with a crash.

Armpit stopped. “You all right?”

There was no answer.

“You okay, Kaira?”

He walked quickly into the dining area, and then on into the bedroom. “Kaira?”

He saw Kaira’s stepfather just in time to raise one arm. The bat smashed against it, breaking the bone, and he collapsed to his knees.

El Genius swung again, but Armpit spun away, then pulled himself up with the help of a bedpost.

He saw Fred on the floor, and lots of blood. He didn’t see Kaira.

He took several deep breaths as he backed up against the TV cabinet and readied himself for the next attack. His right arm was broken, but he was left-handed.

Kaira’s stepfather stepped over Fred as he came at Armpit again, but just as he swung, Fred grabbed an ankle, and the bat smashed into th

e television set, which exploded in a green flash.

Armpit’s left fist was still gaining momentum as it connected just below El Genius’s nose, flooring him.

Armpit was all over him, hitting him first with his fist, and then with his elbow on the backswing, again and again, until Jerome Paisley lay motionless.