The door to his room opened. He let go of X-Ray and backed away as his mother entered.

“You have a phone call.”

“Uh, thanks.” He took the phone from her, and she walked out. He hoped she hadn’t seen the money on the bed.


“Hi. I hope it’s not too early.”

“Uh, no, I just got up.”

“We don’t have to leave for Dallas until one. You want to get together and have breakfast or something?”

“Sure, that would be great.”

“Cool! I’m staying at the Four Seasons. It’s next to a river or lake or something. If you want I can look up the address.”

“No, I know where it is,” said Armpit. He had seen it from the bus.

“Oh, and when you come, don’t ask for Kaira DeLeon. You have to ask for Samantha Stevens.”

“Is that your real name?”

“Yeah, I’m a witch.” She laughed. “No, I always check in under a fake name. Have you ever watched that old TV show Bewitched?”

“Is that the one with the genie?”

“No, dummy, the one with the witch! It’s not called Begenied!”

Armpit told her he’d be there in forty-five minutes. He had to shower first.

He hung up, then walked over to the bed and scooped up the money. “Two hundred and ninety-eight dollars?”

“It cost four dollars to make the copies. I figured we’d split it.”

Armpit stared at him.

“Okay, fine,” said X-Ray. He tossed in another two bucks. “So who was that?”

“Kaira DeLeon. Can you give me a ride to the Four Seasons? I’m supposed to meet her for breakfast.”


X-Ray’s car was parked out front facing the wrong way. He opened the only door that worked, then slid over to the driver’s side. “So really, where are we going?” he asked as Armpit got in beside him.

“The Four Seasons.”

“Right, because Kaira DeLeon wants to have breakfast with you.”

“Yes,” said Armpit.

He didn’t tell him anything more. It was his payback for the phony tickets.

The whole way there, X-Ray kept glancing sideways at him, trying to see a hint of a smile, or some kind of clue, but Armpit remained cool, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

The X-Mobile turned off Cesar Chavez Avenue and into the hotel’s circular driveway. A doorman opened Armpit’s door for him.

“Excuse me,” X-Ray said to him. “Is Kaira DeLeon staying here?”