Ginny didn’t hesitate. “‘Red Alert!’?”

“You heard the lady!”

The lead guitar whined like a siren as the house rocked with Kaira’s biggest hit.

“I hear a w-w-warning


Every time you c-c-come around . . .”

She was dancing around Armpit and Ginny as she sang, and kept looking at Armpit as if he was the one she was singing about.

“Should you ch-chance to glance at me,

Threatens my security.”

He didn’t know what he was supposed to do.

Ginny was shouting “Red Alert!” right along with the backup singers, although he could only read her lips.

“Heart’s a-th-thumpin’!

Red Alert!

N-n-nerves a-j-j-jumpin’!

Red Alert!

All I hear is a s-s-siren sound.”

At last Armpit managed to ease his way back to the safety of the soundboard, taking Ginny with him.

“All systems are sh-shutting . . .


Kaira shouted, “Thank you very much! I love you!” and she and the band left the stage.

The crowd shouted for more, Ginny and Armpit right along with them. The lights remained dark.

After about five minutes they came back out and did “Just Hold On a Little Longer.” On the last line, “. . . And then I’ll be on my way,” Kaira blew a kiss to the crowd and once again left the stage.

People continued to shout for more, but this time the house lights came on.

“Good show, Kaira,” said Duncan.

Kaira was amazed. He had never said that to her before. None of the band members had. But something special had happened tonight; they could all feel it.

“What do you say we go back out and do one more?” said Tim B.

“Sounds good to me,” said Cotton.

Usually once the band was done, they were done. It was a job to them, nothing more. They did the one planned encore, and that was it.

“We’ve played all the songs we know,” Duncan pointed out.

“Then let’s play one we don’t know,” said Billy Goat.