David returned a moment later with two souvenir cups filled with lemon-lime soda. He hurried off just as everything went pitch dark, and then the music shook the stage, nearly knocking Armpit out of his chair.

Strobe lights flashed on the various band members, and then a green spotlight settled on Kaira DeLeon.

“You’ve heard she’s naughty,

You’ve heard she’s wild.

You’ve heard she’s just

A sweet innocent child!

“Well, now’s the chance

for you to find out!

’Cause I’m the she

You been hearin’ about!”

It was hard to imagine that this was the same gum-chewing girl he had just met a few minutes earlier. She was dazzlingly beautiful.

“You wake up screaming

In the middle of the night

Was it a nightmare?

Or was it too much delight?”

The floor beneath him bounced with each beat of the drum, and he could feel the bass vibrating right down to his bones. He hoped it wasn’t too loud for Ginny, but she just stared at Kaira DeLeon, mesmerized.

“Better open your eyes,

If you want to find out,

’Cause I’m the she,

You been dreamin’ about!”

The spotlight on Kaira kept changing colors and her fringed outfit seemed to shimmer and change with each new color.

“You been warned of her power,

You been warned of her charm.

They say when she lov

es you,

She causes bodily harm!

“Well, come a little closer,

If you want to find out,

’Cause I’m the she

They warned you about!”