Armpit sat on the floor next to Ginny. “I didn’t know your dad was disabled,” he said.

“He’s n-not.”

“Sounds like he is. He’s a lot worse off than you are. You just had a little bleeding in your brain. He’s got something wrong with his soul. I mean, if he left your mom and you, man, there’s got to be something really wrong with him.”

Ginny shrugged.

“I sure hope he gets better. You at least can go to physical therapy. I don’t know what they can do for someone with no heart and soul.”

There was a knock on the door; then it opened, and Armpit’s mother leaned her head in. “Is Theodore here?” She had the telephone with her, her hand covering the mouthpiece. “It’s her.”

His mother was almost as excited about his date as he was, even though he kept telling her it wasn’t a date. They were just going to hang out at the concert together.

He took the phone and walked outside for privacy. “Hello?”

“Hi, how’s it goin’?” asked Tatiana.

“Great. I’m really looking forward to the concert.”

“Look, I don’t know how to say it. I’m not good at this.”

“At what?”

“I’m really sorry, but I can’t go to the concert.”

He didn’t respond.

“Theodore? You there?”


“I’m really sorry. There’s this family thing I got to do. I forgot all about it. They won’t let me out of it. My parents have this thing about family time!”

“I understand,” said Armpit.

“You sure?”


“But I want you to tell me all about it on Monday, okay?”


“Promise? Every song she sings. What clothes she’s wearing. I want to know everything!”


“I really feel bad about this. Maybe you can find someone else to go with you.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”

He hung up, then dialed X-Ray’s number.

“Was it Tati-ahna?” Ginny teased when he returned to her house. She seemed to be feeling better.

“She can’t go to the concert.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” her mother said.