Page 6 of The Aristocrat

He nodded, taking in my revelation. “I hope you don’t mind my saying, but I find you even more remarkable now—all that you’ve accomplished. It couldn’t have been easy for you growing up.”

“It wasn’t, but it’s made me the person I am today. Made me strong.”

“I can see that.” His stare lingered a bit. “Are you too hot out here?”

I was. Not only because of the sun and my ridiculously heavy clothes, but because of my attraction to him. That was causing me to burn up in a way I hadn’t in a while. Which made me uneasy.

“Yeah.” I looked down at my ensemble. “This get-up wasn’t the best choice.”

“Shall we go inside? I can give you a tour of the house.”

“That might be good,” I said, standing.

We passed Sig in the kitchen, and Leo showed me around.

Eventually he led me back through the foyer to the living room. Floor-to-ceiling windows provided a clear view of the bay from a different angle, and streaks of sunlight streaming through glowed against the hardwood floor.

“I’d always wondered what this place looked like on the inside. It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.”

He stared through me. “Yeah.”

Being inside really hadn’t cooled me down. I fiddled with my collar, tempted to unbutton my blouse, even though I knew I wouldn’t.

“You seem a bit uncomfortable,” Leo said. “Am I making you nervous?”

I admitted something I probably shouldn’t have. “I think maybe I still haven’t gotten over the way we first…met.”

He raised his brow. “The birdwatching, you mean?”

“No. I started out birdwatching, but after I spotted you guys, I was definitely watching you. I’m not going to deny that. I think very few people would’ve turned away. I’m only human.”

His mouth curved into a smile. “That is yet another reason why I like you, Felicity. Most people might not have turned away—I certainly wouldn’t have—but few are honest about such things. I spend my life surrounded by dishonest people whose number-one goal is to look good rather than be authentic. I hardly know you, but what little you’ve given me is purely you. And I appreciate that. It’s refreshing.”

“Tea is ready,” Sig announced from the threshold, prompting Leo and me to turn to him in unison. He gave us a look as if perhaps he knew he’d interrupted a moment. “Made some crumpets, too, since she was clearly expecting a more proper tea.”

“Thank you, oh domestic one,” Leo said before turning to me. “He’s definitely the cook in this relationship.”

I followed them out into a grand dining room, where Sig had set up a formal-looking tea service. A mountain of crumpets were stacked atop each other on a plate.

“So, you actually made these?” I asked.

“Yes. From scratch.”


“There aren’t many ingredients,” Sig said. “Make sure you eat one before they cool. There’s nothing like melted butter on them.”

I grabbed one and buttered it. It was exactly as he’d promised, savory and delicious. Leo took it upon himself to pour me a cup of tea. That was sweet.

Sig crossed his arms. “So, Felicity, what is it that two single guys do for fun around here?”

“You’re asking me?” I said with my mouth full of crumpet. “Seems like you two have no problems finding fun, with your parties and all.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed. “Parties?”

“Yeah, I saw the flashing lights coming from here one night, and I’ve heard music from across the bay more than once.”

Leo shook his head. “There was no party. That was Sigmund playing his music and fucking with me. We haven’t really met anyone since we’ve gotten here. The previous inhabitants installed those strobe lights and the sound system.”

I chuckled. “Well, that’s sort of bizarre. I just assumed you were party animals.”

“Anyway, you never answered my question,” Sig said. “What’s hot around here?”

“Well, there’s the bar by the beach. A lot of people hang out there, even on weeknights. Then there’s the center of town. There are a lot of nice restaurants. But if you chose to spend a portion of your US trip here, of all places, you may not be looking for exciting night life.”

“Sig and I have wanted different things out of this trip,” Leo said. “Narragansett was his compromise to me since I put up with the other locations. And I’m most definitely looking for peace.”

“I’m looking for a piece of something too.” Sig winked.

Leo rolled his eyes. “Never mind tourists. Tell me, what do the locals like to do?”

“Things are pretty laid-back here. We mostly sit on our decks and drink beer, or watch the sunset over the bay. We might go clamming or fishing and see what fresh catch we can bring home for dinner.”

Leo smiled. “You fish?”

“Occasionally. Although, I’d need a boat to get to some of the best parts of the bay for quahoging.”

“Co-what?” Leo asked.

“Quahoging. The act of digging for quahogs. Clams.”