Page 44 of The Aristocrat

“I appreciate that.”

He left the room, and a few minutes later returned, throwing a box at my chest.

It was a gargantuan box of condoms.

“What the hell? I have my own, thanks. Who needs this many condoms, anyway?”

“The Marias took me to a wholesale store in Massachusetts. It’s called BJ’s Warehouse. Fitting name, eh?”

“You’re insane.”

“I got a three-pack of those boxes. You can keep that one.”

Shaking my head, I threw the box of condoms and hit him in the chest.

* * *


Track 12: “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream

Friday afternoon seemed to take forever to get here. I spent the morning cleaning my room and setting up some more of my planners, just to pass the time. I finally opted to put myself out of my misery and head over to Leo’s a little early.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly as I rang his doorbell.

He opened the door with a huge smile. “Welcome home, gorgeous.”

“I wish,” I said, giving him a once-over.

“Come in.”

Wow. He’d apparently just been weightlifting. He wore a pair of black workout tights. I never thought a man in tights could be sexy, but they really showed off the muscles in his legs, which I knew he worked hard on. A sheen of sweat glistened over his chest, and his big feet were bare, which I found incredibly hot.

“Did I interrupt your fitness regimen?”

“I thought you were arriving closer to three, so I figured I’d sneak a workout in, but getting to see you earlier is much better.” He looked down at my overnight bag, which was covered in tiny Hello Kitty heads. “You’re fucking adorable with that bag.”

“Hello Kitty. Did you expect anything else?” It fell to the ground with a thud as I looked around. “Sig already left?”

“Yes. We’re completely free. Although, he left you a present.”

Leo walked over to a glass cake display on the counter. Sig had baked something and left a sticky note on the front of the glass.

I peeled it off and read it.

A gingerbread for a gingerhead.

I know you’ll miss me this weekend. (Not!)

You and Leo will have to try to find a way to entertain each other. I’m sure you can figure something out, eh?

P.S. This is a new recipe. Hope you like it. I suggest adding some “Leo is whipped” cream, which is in the refrigerator.


Your Favorite Ball Buster

“He’s a joy, isn’t he?” Leo rolled his eyes. “At least it’s edible, unlike the majority of the crap he pulls.”

“I’m definitely going to devour that later.” Somehow my eyes were actually on Leo’s body when I said that. And I couldn’t help thinking how badly I wanted to devour him.

His eyes lingered on mine, then dropped to my chest, which was probably more exposed than he’d ever seen it. “You look so fucking beautiful right now.”

I looked down at my cami and denim shorts. “Thank you.” I looked over the ridges of his chest. “You should finish your workout since I interrupted you.” Maybe I’ll watch.

“No need. I was pretty much finished. I’ve been sort of bouncing off the walls all day waiting for you. Nervous energy, I guess.”

“Oh my God. I was the same way. Although, I’m surprised you’re nervous to have me here.”

“More like excited—on top of the world. I just want you to have a nice weekend and be happy. That’s all.”

“I am, Leo. I really am. I don’t want to overthink anything. I just want to let loose and have fun with you.”

“I’m so fucking down for that,” he said, lightly pinching my cheek. “On that note, what can I get you to drink?”

“I’m gonna hold off for a bit. The night is young.”

“Probably a good idea.” Leo smiled. “What do you want to do first? We can go out on the boat for a while, swim in the bay, watch a movie—the possibilities are endless.”

“It’s pretty hot out. I think a swim would be nice before the sun goes down.”

He nodded. “Let me show you to your room so you can change.”

I loved that he was being respectful, giving me my own room. I wasn’t sure how to tell him I hoped to bunk with him tonight. It was probably wise to have the option of separate quarters, though.

He led me up the stairs and into his room. I’d yet to be inside of it.

“This is mine, but I’ll be sleeping in Sigmund’s room. There’s a guest room, as well, but it’s not as nice as this, and this room has a great bathroom.”

The bedroom was stunning—sleek, black furniture, and gray satin sheets. It looked like something fit for a king, or a lord.

“This is so nice. Thank you for giving me your room.”

“Anything for you.” He took a deep breath. “Anyway, I should let you get changed.” But he didn’t budge.

I sat down at the edge of the bed and looked over at the bedside table. A necklace I’d seen him wear before was on top. It had a man’s gold and diamond ring dangling from it.