“I love it when you let your hair down,” I whisper. “Especially when you take all your clothes off and run into the ocean, first.”

She turns, walking backwards as she widens her eyes at me and mouths, “We are in church. You are so bad.”

I chuckle and nod, forcing myself to keep my eyes on anything but her as we cross ourselves, step outside, and start down the stairs.

But I know my feelings must be showing on my face. I don’t usually consider myself a transparent person, but I’ve never loved anyone the way I love Maddie.

What I felt for Wendy was a pale imitation; I can see that now. It was a crush on a friend that never should have gone as far as it did. A part of me wishes we were still friends, so I could call and apologize for crossing the line with her. But we haven’t spoken since the day she told me she was going to make it work with Art and walked out of my apartment in Atlanta.

Now, it seems ridiculous that I was so depressed about losing her. Wendy is a beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman, but she’s no Maddie.

“So, I’ll see you at Icing in a few minutes?” Maddie asks when we reach my car.

“Yes, ma’am. But park behind the bakery if you can find a spot.”

“Why?” she asks, pausing to lift a hand to Naomi and Jake as they cross the parking lot before turning back to me.

“Because I’m going to need to kiss you before we get to your parents’ house,” I say, “or there’s no way I’m going to be able to keep my hands off you all night.”

A naughty smile curves one side of her lips. “As if one kiss is ever enough. I know what you want, Jamison Hansen. You want a quickie.”

I laugh, feeling guilty, even though that wasn’t what I was thinking. “Not true. I said a kiss and I meant a kiss.”

She hums in a way that makes it clear she isn’t buying anything I’m selling. “I think you’re full of it, but I did tell Naomi I was planning to change out of my church clothes. I don’t suppose anyone will be suspicious if I arrive slightly rumpled in jeans and a T-shirt.”

“No,” I say, suddenly wanting to prove to her that I’m more than a one-trick pony. I love getting naked with her, but I’m also happy to spend a night enjoying her company, without any sex involved. “I’ll take my kiss and wait in the car while you change.”

She frowns, an uncertain look creeping into her eyes. “Why? Is something wrong?”

I shake my head. “Just trying to be on my best behavior, and make a good second impression on your parents. I’m sure they’d rather have you at the party sooner rather than later.”

She cocks her head, regarding me thoughtfully for a moment before she nods. “Okay. Then I’ll see you in a few, and I’ll stay in my dress and just grab more comfortable shoes.”

“Good.” I open the door to the Mustang. “Because you look beautiful in that dress.”

I get in and start the car, glancing into my rearview mirror in time to catch Maddie smiling a private smile before she turns and hurries to her car.

It’s a sweet, hopeful smile that makes my heart feel lighter.

“You’re so in love with me,” I whisper, ready for the day when we can let the “L” word slip any time we want.

Hopefully, that day is coming soon.

Very soon.

Chapter Fifteen


Halfway through my first whiskey sour, I sneak into my parents’ kitchen and pour the rest of the drink down the drain.

Even after only a few sips, it’s becoming obvious that if I get any more whiskey in my system, I’m not going to be able to keep myself from pouncing on Jamison in public.

He looks too good, smells too good, oozes too much raw, sensual, smolder-liciousness as he leans against the railing on my parents’ back porch, a beer held lightly between his fingers and the setting sun catching the golden streaks in his hair.

He’s straight out of a manly diet soda ad, or maybe a magazine advertisement for feminine lubricant or ribbed condoms or something naughty, but fun. He’s taken sexy to an entirely new level tonight, and my blood pressure is suffering as a result.

My man is smoking hot in a T-shirt and jeans, but in that black suit with the fitted waist and a muted silver tie, he looks good enough to kidnap and hold prisoner in my bed.

I can’t keep my eyes off of him, can’t keep from imagining all the trouble we could be getting into with that silver tie if we were back in my apartment getting naked instead of hanging out at my parents’ house, waiting for the roast beef my mother put in the oven an hour too late to finally reach a temperature that won’t give us all E. coli.