“I wanted to let you know that Aria won’t be at the wedding,” she says. “She had the baby last night, just before midnight.”

I cheer and would have clapped my hands in delight if I weren’t holding my dress in one hand and a bag of shoes and makeup in the other. “Oh, yay! That’s so great! The baby and I have the same birthday! I was hoping we would.”

Melody laughs. “Aria was hoping he’d make his appearance a little sooner, but she’s thrilled he’s finally here. They named him Asher James, and he and his mama are doing great.”

“That’s wonderful news,” I say. “I’ll be sure to tell Naomi. And feel free to take off after the noon rush. Lucy can close up if you want to get over to the hospital to see your new nephew.”

She grins. “Thanks so much. My other sister isn’t up to getting out of the house yet since the twins are still so little. But I know Aria would appreciate another visitor from our side of the family. Nash’s family is so enormous it can get a little overwhelming.”

“Family can be overwhelming, no matter what the size,” I say, my smile slipping. I’m about to jump right in the middle of the Hansen family drama, but it has to be done. I can’t let Jake do this to Jamison. Or himself. “Is there anything else you need before I head out?”

She shakes her head slowly before adding in a slightly hesitant voice. “No, but…” She glances behind her before turning back to me and saying in a rush, “Lucy wanted me to tell you that she thinks the guy you’ve been seeing is really nice, and you should give him another chance.”

“Oh really?” My brows lift as I shift to find Lucy over Melody’s shoulder.

The petite brunette has her hair in her usual springy pigtails and looks about fifteen years old—except for the expression on her face, which is very grown up as she says, “I didn’t tell Melody who he was. But I know all about it, and I think he’s great. And that you two are basically made for each other.” She sighs. “And I can’t stand to see a big, brawny guy looking so pitiful and sad. Just give him a chance to explain at least, Ms. Whitehouse. I bet you won’t be sorry. Sometimes the most important part of love is listening. Even when it’s hard.”

“Call me Maddie,” I say, my lips curving. “I’ve told you I prefer it, and if you’re going to lecture me about love, I think you should feel comfortable using my first name.”

Lucy nods and her cheeks flush. “Sorry. He’s just such a good guy, and he’s obviously crazy about you.”

Melody casts an intrigued look between us. “Who is it? The suspense is killing me! Big and brawny makes me think…gym owner? Cop?”

I shrug, resisting the urge to tell Melody she’s getting warmer. “Hopefully, you’ll see for yourself before long. I’m going to talk to him today and apologize for running away instead of staying to work things out.”

Lucy lets out an enthusiastic whoop. “Yay! I’m so glad. You won’t regret it. He’s definitely your soul mate. I can feel it whenever you’re together.”

“Well, we’ll see,” I say, not sure what I think about soul mates. But if such a thing does exist, Jamison is probably mine. “I’d better get going. Lots of wrongs to right before the wedding.”

“Have a wonderful time,” Melody says, wiggling her fingers as she moves back around the counter.

“Go get ’em!” Lucy seconds, thrusting a fist into the air.

I start for the door with a laugh, but my amusement fades quickly.

I spread my dress out on the backseat of my car and head for Jake’s house, my insides humming with nerves. I mentally rehearsed the things I want to say to Jake a million times on the drive home from Atlanta, but the closer I get to the confrontation, the more chaotic my thoughts become.

I’m not looking forward to a showdown with the elder Hansen brother.

Jake is the kind of person who commands respect, and I’ve always given it without a second thought, but now…

I care about Jake a lot, but between almost dumping Naomi over a mistake my sister made over a decade before they got back together, and this latest bout of rigidity with Jamison, my respect for him is slipping.

I’m so fed up—and hurt on Jamison’s behalf—that by the time I reach Jake’s door my heart is slamming in my chest and my tongue is about to crawl down the back of my throat.

But this is it.

It’s time to stand up for my man the way Jamison’s always stood up for me.

Ready, set…

Chapter Twenty-Two


I take a bracing breath and knock three times, fast and firm.

Then I take a step back and swallow hard.