Rissa smiled—delighted as always in the maid’s pleasure. Liza’s raptures over sweet buns and sticky cakes never got old.

“I’m so glad you like it,” she said. “And thank you for bringing me the latest Crumbs.”

“It’s hidden under your plate, my Lady,” Liza whispered, glancing around. They always had to hide the scandal sheet lest Lady Mildew find it and confiscate it—but not before scolding Rissa severely for reading gossip.

But she didn’t have to worry about that anymore, Rissa realized.

“It’s all right, Liza—you don’t have to hide it anymore,” she told the maid. “My new, er, Constant Companion won’t be upset if I read it.”

“Oh, I read about that too.” Liza’s eyes went wide. “Pray tell, my Lady—where is he? Is it true he’s a robot but looks like a man?”

“True enough,” Rissa said cautiously. “He’s in the outer bedchamber—I expect he’ll be up eventually,” she added.

At that moment, the door to the outer bedchamber opened and James came out, fully dressed.

“Your Highness,” he said, bowing deeply to Rissa, as she sat at the table. “I trust you slept well as I guarded you last night?”

“Yes, I did. Very well, Sir James,” Rissa said formally. “Er, this is Liza,” she added, nodding at the maid.

“Enchanted to meet you, Liza,” James said, and bowed to the maid as well.

Liza went scarlet in the face and her eyes went wide.

“Oh, my Lady—he’s so handsome!” she exclaimed and a nervous giggle escaped her before she scurried out of the room.

As the door shut behind her, James made his way to the breakfast table and sat down across from Rissa.

“Good morning again, Princess,” he murmured. “Are you having First Meal?”

“Yes, I guess so—we call it ‘breakfast’ though,” Rissa told him. “Are you hungry? Have some scrambled betha eggs and a pastry.”

James nodded.

“That will make a pleasant change from my usual First Meal of nutritional protein paste.”

“Ugh, that sounds awful!” Rissa exclaimed, buttering a fluffy cloud roll and taking a bite.

“It is quite bland,” James admitted. He sat and began to serve himself and, as he did, Rissa reached under her plate and found the much-folded copy of Lady TittleTattle’s Breadcrumbs and began to read.

Gentle Reader, the Crumbs began, as always,

Have we ever seen such excitement as we did last night at Court? For our dear Princess Ka’rissa has a new Constant Companion and chaperone—and it is a man!

Rissa felt a tremor of uncertainty in her belly, but the next paragraph put her mind at ease.

Never fear, however, dear reader that anything improper is afoot, for the Princess’s new Companion only looks like a man. In actuality, he is a robot, which he proved with a rather singular display of acrobatics and strength in the Royal Reception Hall as he was being announced to the Steward. After showing himself more than capable of protecting the Princess from any further attempts on her life, he was invested as her Constant Companion and chaperone by the Steward himself.

The new Companion proved his worth almost at once as the dear Princess began to overheat and fainted. Sir Robot—as he shall henceforth be called—caught her and cooled her with his rather frightening metal hand, after which she revived beautifully and was even able to dance at the ball!

And who did she dance with? My Dear Readers, she danced with her new Companion the most, for Sir Robot is no ordinary, clumsy butler droid. He spun our lovely Princess around the Grand Ballroom in style, scarcely allowing anyone else to claim a dance—even the dastardly Duke Grabbington, who was seen to be angling for a chance with the Princess all night. He got only one dance, however, before Sir Robot came to his new lady’s rescue and refused the Duke any more dances with her. The Duke was said to be livid with rage, but as he has been involved in the ruination of some very fine ladies, including the hapless Miss Prunella Ascott only last Season, this author cannot find it in her heart to feel the least bit sorry for him.

And what of Princess Ka’rissa’s old Companion, the once esteemed Lady Mildew? Well, Gentle Reader, I fear I must report that she has come down in the world and lost most of her status since she had been replaced by Sir Robot. This author pities her, thought to be honest, she never seemed to have much affection for our dear Princess. One may hope that she will enjoy a quiet retirement, out of the public eye now that another has taken her place.

So things appear to be looking up for our lovely Princess. She has a dashing new Companion and she is a better dancer than ever! Yet, her episode of overheating in the Reception Hall last night still gives one cause for concern. Might we hope that soon the Steward will announce some new suitors for her hand? Perhaps some that are more of her age this time? We would not wish for her to share the unhappy fate of her dear Mama and I fear that rumors will start against the Steward if he allows such a thing to happen. For, as he alone can approve Princess Ka’rissa’s suitors, it is to be hoped he approves some very soon, so that she may marry and finally ascend the throne to rule our bodies, as she already rules our hearts.