Rissa bit her lip. She knew what was involved now—knew she would have to take his shaft deep in her pussy and allow him to fill her with his seed. It was an act that only her husband should perform and yet, she had no husband to help her. The marriage she had just gone through had been a sham—a lie. And besides, she wanted no man besides James to take her in that way—to make love to her.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, James—I…I want you to slake my Heat.”

He frowned.

“You must know that the act of spilling my seed deep in your soft little pussy will bond us together forever. We will never be able to be apart again.”

“Truly?” Rissa felt her heart give a little leap. “Then yes—yes, James, I want it more than ever!” She held out her arms to him. “But please—you must hurry. I am burning inside.”

“I will cool my body as low as I can,” he promised. “But there is one more thing, Ka’rissa—I have never bonded with a female before, and I’m not certain how my body will react.”

“What?” She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“I have told you that I have a mixture of Kindred DNA in my heritage,” he said. “And that the Beast Kindred DNA would allow me to make compounds that would help you stretch to accept my shaft, just as my Blood Kindred DNA allowed me to grow fangs and make Essence for you when you needed to be healed.”

“Yes? And?” she asked.

“Well, I’m just not certain what will happen when we start making love. I might grow a Mating Fist to tie the two of us together for a very long time, like a Beast Kindred would. Or my fangs may grow again and I might have the urge to bite you and inject my Essence directly into your bloodstream at the moment of orgasm, to tie the two of us together. Or neither might happen, or both might happen.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I simply do not know.”

“Well, I know one thing for certain,” Rissa said breathlessly. “And that is if you do not slake my Heat, I will self-immolate! Whatever happens between us, James, it doesn’t matter to me as long as you are the man to take me. Please…” She held out her arms for him urgently. “I need you!”

“Of course, sweetheart,” he murmured hoarsely. “I need you, too.”

He quickly slipped off his tight leather trousers and then he was naked in the bed beside her, his big, muscular body deliciously cool against her own heated flesh.

“Oh, James…” she moaned breathlessly as he got between her legs and fit the broad head of his shaft to the mouth of her pussy. “Oh yes, please! I need you in me so badly!” she begged.

“Slowly, sweetheart,” he told her. He was rubbing the broad head against her heated folds, teasing her almost unbearably. “Have to be certain my precum is spread all over your soft little pussy so you can open up for me,” he told her.

“Yes, James…” Despite her impatience, Rissa tried to lie still beneath the big Kindred. But she couldn’t help bucking her hips a little when he rubbed over her tender, throbbing clit. Gods, how she wanted him inside her! She could feel his hard, cool length getting ready to open her and that was exactly what she needed—she was burning up inside—there was fire at her core and she needed James to put it out.

“Gently, sweetheart,” he cautioned her and then she felt just the tip of his shaft nudging inside her, entering her pussy mouth.

“Yes, James,” she whispered, but it came out as more of a whimper. “But please,” she begged him. “I need you so badly.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he protested. “You had that huge metal plug in you and—”

“And you healed me from it,” Rissa reminded him. “Truly, James, I do not feel any pain at all from it anymore. The only pain I feel now is a deep emptiness inside me—the need to be filled by your shaft!”

“Well, you seem to be stretching well to receive me.” He pushed a little deeper inside her and Rissa moaned and lifted her hips, begging for more. “Very well, actually,” James murmured, his eyes going half-lidded with lust.

“More!” Rissa begged shamelessly. “I need more of you inside me, James. I need all of you!”

“Well, if I’m really not hurting you…”

“You’re not! Please, James!” She gave a desperate little wiggle, trying to capture more of him, wishing that she was on top instead. But was such a thing even possible? “James,” she whispered. “Do…do ladies ever sit on top of gentlemen when they make love? Or is it always the man who must be on top?”

He smiled.

“Females can be on top as well as men. Why—would you like to try it that way?”