A tiny sliver of hope pierced Rissa’s heart.

“Oh,” she whispered. “Do…do you really think you can get it off me?”

“I do.” He nodded firmly. “You’ll have to hold very still—I don’t want to cut you—the metal is going to be extremely sharp when I tear it.”

Her eyes widened.

“You’re going to tear it off?”

He frowned. “I’ll probably have to heat it up some first.” He gave Rissa an anxious look. “I don’t want to burn you.”

She shook her head.

“You cannot. My Fire Blood makes me impervious to outside heat. Go ahead, James—do what you have to in order to get it off me. Please.”

Her heartfelt plea definitely affected him. Stroking her cheek, he looked into her eyes earnestly.

“Of course I will, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Just trust me and lie as still as you can. All right?”

Rissa nodded.

“I trust you, James. She whispered. “Go ahead and do it.”

He nodded swiftly and got to work.


James thought he had never been so glad of his enhancements. First, he used his ocular scope to thoroughly scan the metal device around her waist and find the weakest and thinnest parts, which happened to be right at her hip bones. The scope was also capable of emitting a highly collimated heat ray, which he used to work on the weak parts, heating them to make them more malleable.

Despite Ka’rissa’s promise that outside heat couldn’t hurt her, he was concerned about the temperature the metal was reaching. But to his relief, she didn’t voice a word of protest or look in the least uncomfortable as he worked.

When he had heated one side enough, James used his enhanced right hand to pull the metal belt apart, peeling it in two with an effort that required all his strength.

“Oh, you are doing it! It’s working!” Ka’rissa’s voice was high and hopeful.

“Just…hang on…sweetheart,” James told her, his voice tight with effort. “Going to get…the other half…open next. And then we’ll finally get this damn thing…off of you.”

He went to work on the other side, first heating it, then peeling it apart as well. Finally, he was able to pry the damn thing open enough to pull it completely off the Princess. But when he tossed the heavy metal belt away with a clang, James saw with dismay that his job wasn’t done quite yet.

“What in the Seven Hells is this?” he muttered, putting out a finger to stroke the smaller, triangular piece of metal between the Princess’s legs.

Ka’rissa gave a little cry of pain and shifted her hips as though his light touch had hurt her much more than the heated metal had before he took it off.

“What is it, sweetheart?” James looked at her anxiously. “Is this some other kind of Chastity Device, hidden inside the first?”

She nodded and he could see the tears welling in her eyes.

“It is called the…the shield and the…the plug,” she whispered. “And oh, James…it hurts so much.”

Emotions rushed over him almost too quickly to catalog them all. Anger at whoever had done this to her, fear for her safety, sorrow for her pain, and a deep need to help, heal, and protect her. For a moment, James felt almost overwhelmed by the emotional flood. Then he took a deep breath and told himself to focus.

“It’s all right, sweetheart,” he promised Ka’rissa. Cupping her cheek, he looked into her eyes, which were swimming with tears. “Everything is going to be all right. I got the other device off you, I’ll get this one off, too.”

“But you do not just have to get it off me, James,” she whispered. “You…you will have to get it out of me too. And it’s so deep in me—so big and hard and sharp…”

James felt his heart fist in his chest.

“I’ll be as gentle as I can,” he promised hoarsely. “Just try to relax and trust me, sweetheart.”

She nodded.

“I trust you,” she whispered. “Please help me, James.”

“Of course I will.” He stroked her cheek again, loving how soft her skin was, almost completely undone by the pain filling her beautiful eyes. “Just hold on,” he murmured. Then he turned his attention to the rest of the device.

The shield was a flat, triangular piece which fit over her mound and the soft, outer lips of her pussy. When he peeled it back, away from her flesh, James was horrified to see that it had pointed metal nubs studding its inner surface. They had rubbed Ka’rissa almost raw, causing her creamy, light brown skin to go an angry red.

But there was worse to come—much worse. As soon as he pulled the shield away, James saw the plug. It was a thick, metal phallus, shaped more like a weapon than an instrument of pleasure. About an inch of it protruded from her soft pink entrance but the rest of the thick shaft had been rammed up inside her. Worse, it was clear that the part inside her channel was much thicker than the small part that was protruding.