It was all true and James knew it, so he made himself frown at her and shake his head.

“You can’t say things like that, Princess,” he said sternly. “I am only your guard—”

“And you have no emotions, so you cannot care for me,” she finished for him softly, dropping her eyes. “I know, James. But sometimes I almost forget that you do not have feelings. Like just now when you let me make you come,” she added, looking up at him shyly. “Or when you hold me in your arms so gently at night and touch me until I come. It feels so good and I feel so close to you. I cannot seem to help it.”

Her words made his heart squeeze in his chest, but James knew he couldn’t let her see that he was having emotions for her. However, he made his voice a little gentler as he cupped her face gently in his palm.

“Princess, I am honored that you feel close enough to me to confide in me when it comes to these delicate and private matters,” he murmured. “But I am only here to guard you until…” He cleared his throat, having some difficulty going on. “Until you find the right mate and are married,” he got out at last. “And you know the two of us can never be together.”

Ka’rissa hung her head.

“I know that,” she said in a small voice. “I am sorry, James. I…I will try to do better.”

The sorrow on her lovely face was almost more than James could bear.

“Princess,” he murmured, tilting her chin so that her eyes turned up towards his. “You know, don’t you, that if I could have emotions for anyone, it would be for you.”

“Oh, James…” Her eyes were bright and her cheeks flushed a becoming pink. “Thank you,” she whispered. “And I am sorry. I will try not to have feelings for you, only it is so very difficult not to. You are so tall and strong and brave and handsome and you’ve taught me so much. And the way you touch me makes my whole body light up with pleasure.”

This little speech touched him so deeply, that James felt he could not longer help himself. He wanted to tell her that his emotion damper had failed and he felt for her, too. He wanted to tell her that he thought he was “falling in love” with her, as he had heard other Kindred say, when they spoke of the females they were attached to.

“Ka’rissa,” he began. “I—”

Just then, a loud banging on the main door of the Princess’s apartment echoed though the room.

“Open up!” shouted an imperious voice. “Open up right now, I say! I must see the Princess—I demand to see Princess Ka’rissa at once!”


Rissa gasped and the two of them jumped apart guiltily. She and James looked wildly at each other for a moment and then the gravity of the situation struck her.

They were lying on her bed together and the big Kindred’s trousers were open with his long, thick shaft sticking out of them on full view. Not only that, the creamy puddle of seed he had spurted for her was still on his flat, muscular belly—mute testament to the forbidden act the two of them had committed together.

In a flash, James was off the bed and heading into the bathing chamber, where he would presumably clean himself up.

“Stay in there,” Rissa hissed at him. “I shall send whoever it is away.”

He gave a brief nod and ducked into the chamber and shut the door.

Rissa hurried to get off the bed herself, hastening to straighten her dress and running both hands through her hair to tame the flyaway curls. Finally, she felt presentable.

Going to the door—thank the Goddess she had locked it when they came in from their walk!—she peered through the spy hole. Standing there, his face red and his mustaches twitching like angry tails, was Duke Grabbington.

Rissa felt a flash of irritation. How dare the nasty Duke interrupt her private time with James? She’d had the distinct feeling the big Kindred was going to say something important to her just before the interruption. Maybe even a confession of love.

No matter what he said about not having emotions, Rissa couldn’t help thinking he certainly acted like he was having them. Why else would he have gotten so upset with her about the tea? Or gotten so angry about the way Duke Grabbington had grabbed her and kissed her the night before?

Speaking of Duke Grabbington—what was she going to do about him? He was pounding on the door again, now—demanding to see her. Reluctantly, Rissa decided it was better to open the door, though she was determined not to allow him admittance to her rooms.

“Yes, Duke Grabbington?” she asked coldly, as she swung the door open and glared at him. “What can I do for you?”