“But not as soft and warm as my pussy would be, I’ll bet,” she murmured. “If you really could fit your long, thick shaft all the way inside me.”

“Princess, don’t talk like that!” he groaned. “Gods, it makes me want you so badly and you and I both know I can never have you! Can never Claim you and bond you as a Kindred should!”

“I don’t—” she began, but at that point her soft little hand on his aching shaft became too much to bear. James could feel his balls tightening and suddenly a deep pulse of pleasure went through him and the first spurt of seed shot from his shaft.

“Oh!” Ka’rissa exclaimed, watching avidly as he came. She didn’t stop stroking, though. In fact, if anything she pumped him harder, as though wanting to see how much seed he would produce.

It was a copious amount, since Kindred were always big producers. James thought dimly that they should have brought a towel from the bathing chamber with them, but of course, he’d had no idea he was going to let her make him come when they first lay on the bed together.

He definitely shouldn’t have let things get this far…but her hand on him felt so damn good. And she was so beautiful, with curiosity lighting her lovely face, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright as her slim, brown fingers caressed his throbbing length.

“Gods!” he groaned again as the last spurt left his shaft. He felt the tension drain from his body but his shaft didn’t go soft—partly because Kindred were multi-orgasmic and didn’t require a recovery time and partly because the Princess was still stroking him. “That’s enough now, Princess,” he muttered, moving her hand again.

“Why is it still hard, though?” she asked innocently. “Does that not mean that you could make some more of the, uh, seed?”

“I could,” James told her. “But only because I am Kindred. Most other humanoid males would need some recovery time before they could, uh, spurt again.”

“So they go limp in between times?” she asked.

James nodded.


“But what if it was limp instead of hard when you wanted to…to make a baby?” she asked. “What would you do then? I mean, how could you fit your shaft into the lady’s pussy?”

“It would be impossible, I suppose. Such a thing has never happened to me,” James said, truthfully. “But I believe most males would consider limpness at such a time a shameful thing—an inability to perform.”

“Well, you certainly performed,” she remarked, eyeing the puddle of seed on his belly. Then her eyes went back to his shaft. “But tell me—is it hard all of the time in your trousers? I mean, when you are just going about your day,” she added.

“It is not hard most of the time or it would be difficult to concentrate on anything else,” James told her.

“So it is only hard when you are…are…” She seemed to be groping for words.

“Aroused,” James supplied. “And believe me, feeling your hand on me was most arousing, Princess. Not that we should do it again,” he added, when she started to reach for him once more.

“Forgive me,” Ka’rissa murmured. She leaned closer to him, looking once more at the puddle he’d made on his flat abdomen with interest. “So that is what a man’s seed looks like?” she asked, frowning at it. “It is nothing like the kind of seed one plants in the ground to grow a tree or a flower.”

“Nevertheless, there are seeds in it,” James told her. “Millions of them.”

He explained briefly about sperm and eggs and how they met inside a female’s body after a male and female made love. Then how the two merged and the cells began to multiply until a baby was formed. As he spoke, her eyes got wider and wider.

“Why, it is much more complicated than I thought! I had no idea about any of this, James!”

“I know you didn’t,” he said briefly. “Though I probably shouldn’t have taught you in such a graphic way,” he added, feeling the guilt emotion again.

“Why not?” she demanded. “I wouldn’t have believed you any other way. And besides, it’s good for me to know what to expect on my…my wedding night.” She looked up at him shyly. “Not that I really want to have a wedding night now. I mean, not with anyone but you, James.”

James felt something clench inside his heart as he looked down into her warm, amber-brown eyes. Gods, was she saying what he thought she was saying? Was she saying that she…loved him? And did he love her, too?

No, you can’t think like that—can’t let these foolish emotions get the better of you! he lectured himself sternly. You’re only here to guard the Princess—not fall in love with her and Claim her! You know that can never be. She’s destined to stay here and Join with another in order to rule her planet. And as soon as she does, you have to go back to the Mother Ship and get your emotion damper fixed.