Naturally, since there were no women, sexuality was not encouraged, but knowledge of it wasn’t discouraged either—nor was masturbation a purging offense. Rather, it had been considered a biological need like eating or sleeping.

For all that she was a Princess of Royal blood, Ka’rissa was treated worse, in some ways, than the inhabitants of his old world had been under the Collective. She was forced to wear a wire intended to keep her from touching her own body and she was expected to enter into a lifetime Joining with a male without knowing what to expect sexually. It was very unfair and unreasonable, at least in his view.

For all these reasons, he reluctantly decided that he would do as the Princess asked.

“All right,” he said, and started to unfasten the magno-tabs that held his trousers closed.

“Wait—let’s go to the bed,” Ka’rissa suggested. “I want to lean against you while you show me. That way you can cool me down if I get, er, overheated. You know, from shock at seeing…male forbidden parts,” she added in a whisper.

James considered and decided this was probably a good plan. She was already close to overheating since she hadn’t allowed him to help her with her Heat Cycle the night before. It would be a good thing if she could lay against his side for a while and he could cool her down.

“All right,” he said, nodding. “Let’s lie on the bed.”

Liza had made the bed earlier when she dropped off the breakfast tray so the two of them lay on top of the downy-soft, rose-gold coverlet with James propped against the cushioned headboard and Ka’rissa lying against his right side. Once they were settled, she sighed in contentment and pressed her hot cheek against his chest.

“Mmm, so lovely and cool,” she murmured and for a moment, James thought she might drift off and take a nap. After all, she hadn’t slept well at all the night before, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she was still sleepy. But after a moment she said, “Well, are you going to show me?”

“Do you still want to see?” James asked, his left hand hovered over the fastening of his trousers again.

“Of course. Show me—prove it to me,” she demanded. And then added, “Please?” with a sidelong glance up at him through her long, dark lashes.

James felt the by-now familiar feeling of warmth filling his chest. He thought that he would have given his Princess anything she asked when she looked at him like that.

“All right,” he said. “But you mustn’t be shocked or upset.”

Then he unfastened his trousers and pulled them down, revealing his bare shaft to her for the first time.

“Oh, is that it? That’s your shaft?” Ka’rissa’s eyes got wide with interest as she stared at him. “It’s so big! Can I touch it?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” James said, frowning. Though he longed to feel her soft little hand caressing his length, he wasn’t sure it would be proper. Just the thought of it, however, caused his shaft—which was already half-hard from feeling her soft, curvy body against his own—to harden considerably.

“Oh—it’s growing! It’s moving by itself!” Ka’rissa exclaimed, her eyes getting even wider. “Now I know why I heard some of the maids calling it a ‘snake’—because it moves on its own!”

“It’s only getting harder because I’m so close to you and you’re so beautiful, Princess,” James said, his voice coming out slightly hoarse.

She looked up at him.

“You mean, it got hard because of me? But why? What is the purpose of it getting harder and—oh, my!—so much bigger?” she asked, looking down at his shaft again, which was standing at full attention now.

“A male’s shaft gets hard so that he can put it into a female’s pussy,” he lectured. “That’s how he shoots his seed inside her and makes her pregnant.”

“Where does the seed come out? Is it from that little hole in the tip, there?” Ka’rissa asked. She was leaning over him as though to see better and her long, silky hair was brushing over his exposed torso and thighs. James felt as though his whole body was tensing at the soft, ticklish sensation of her hair caressing him.

“Yes,” he said tightly. “From…from the tip.”

“Oh, I think I see some now!” she exclaimed, pointing. “Look, is the seed that shiny, clear stuff?”

James shook his head.

“No, Princess—that’s only precum.”

“Precum?” She frowned, looking up at him. “What’s that?

“It’s a kind of…lubricant,” James explained. “It helps a male fit his shaft into a female’s pussy.”

“Is that why my pussy gets wet as well when you, er help me with my Heat Cycle?” she asked, looking up at him.

James nodded. “Exactly.”

“But I don’t see how you could fit something so large inside me,” she protested, looking back at his shaft. “I mean, you can barely manage to get two fingers halfway inside me, James. And your shaft is much, much larger than your fingers! Why, I bet I couldn’t even fit my own fingers all the way around it.”