He would have liked to use his tongue on her—like any Kindred, he had the need to taste his female and feel her coming against his mouth. But he didn’t think that was a wise idea, either. During the Claiming Period, when a Kindred warrior took a bride, the next step after tasting her was bonding her to him. And James knew he would never be able to bond her to him, no matter how much he increasingly wanted to. With his emotion damper apparently failing him, it wasn’t safe to let himself go too far with her—wasn’t safe to let himself want her too much.

Besides, Ka’rissa seemed to have something against kissing. She was adamant that he shouldn’t put his mouth anywhere on her body except her breasts and nipples, which she seemed to consider “safe zones” for some reason. So James only used his hands and fingers to pleasure her.

And he might have gone on like that for as long as they were together if things hadn’t changed drastically, all because of Duke Grabbington…


Gentle Reader,

What an exciting time we are having at Court! All of the Lords and Ladies are wearing their natural hair and some intrepid ladies have even abandoned their corsets!

This daring new fashion has been advanced, of course, by our own dear Crown Princess Ka’rissa. Who would have thought that our shy little wallflower would blossom into such a lovely, bold rose? Might our dear Princess’s transition have to do with her new Companion, Sir Robot? Or is it simply that she is finally out from under the thumb of the contentious Lady Mildew?

Whatever the cause, this author can at least predict with great certainly that the happy change in our Princess has not been caused by her latest suitor, Duke Grabbington. Regular readers of this publication will recall that the Duke’s reputation is not the best or least tarnished at Court. Indeed, one is tempted to wonder what in the world His Stewardship was thinking when he named the Duke as a suitor for our soon-to-be Queen. For who would want a person of such questionable character upon the throne, even as only the Royal Consort? Not this author, Dear Reader—no indeed!

But never fear—it seems we will not have to suffer such an indignity after all. For somehow the Princess had managed to bring her Heat Cycle completely under control! No longer do her points shine bright and the smell of burning is completely absent from her lovely person. And since there is only one day left in Duke Grabbington’s courtship month, we may assume that the Princess will throw him over soon enough. Indeed, rumor has it that she cannot wait to turn him down. Might this author delicately suggest that His Stewardship take a little more thought before he names her next suitor? Royal blood is not enough to make an adequate ruler and the Princess needs a man who is both her own age and as serious about ruling our lovely planet as she is.

Keep following my Breadcrumbs to hear more as this volatile situation develops!

I remain your most humble and devout servant,

Lady TittleTattle

The latest issue of the Crumbs certainly had almost everything right, Rissa thought to herself as she whirled through the last dance of the evening with Duke Grabbington. She had been reading it with James before the ball that night and she was glad that the anonymous writer seemed to hold her in high esteem.

What would she think if she knew what you’ve been up to with James almost every night this past month? whispered a guilty little voice in her head. The way you’ve been touching your forbidden places and letting him touch them too, letting him make you “come” all the time…

Rissa pushed the guilty voice away with a bit of difficulty. But really, the things she and the big Kindred were doing were literally saving her life and keeping her from bursting into flames! She told herself firmly that she refused to feel bad or shameful for doing what was necessary to survive. Besides, James was right—it was her body and she should have the right to touch it any way she liked.

Ah, but it’s not just you who is touching your body, whispered that persistent little voice. You’re letting James touch you too in the place that only your husband is supposed to touch you! How can you justify that? Hmm?

On this score, Rissa had to admit, she was on rather shaky moral ground. But the fact was, she couldn’t seem to reach the pinnacle, or “orgasm” as James called it, before she overheated. So she had to turn to the big Kindred and ask him to help her finish, usually with his mechanical hand which buzzed and hummed so beautifully and always pushed her right over the edge almost at once.