It was a shameful admission, but she couldn’t help it. Her points were heating up now, too.

But James didn’t seem worried.

“That’s all right, sweetheart,” he rumbled softly in her ear. “We’re going to explore there next. Would you like to spread your outer pussy lips open or should I do it?”

Rissa’s heart started galloping in her chest again. Should she really be doing this?

Evil…dirty…filthy, she seemed to hear Lady Mildew’s voice proclaiming in her head.

No! Rissa pushed the voice and the bad memories away with all her might and tried to concentrate on James and the way he was cradling her against his big body. No, if I think that way, I’ll never be able to gain control of my Heat Cycle!

Though to be honest, she still wasn’t sure how touching herself intimately could help her control it. But she had faith that James would show her. Still, she wasn’t sure about touching herself in the way he was asking her to quite yet.

“You do it,” she whispered to him. “If you please, James. I’m not…not comfortable enough to do it myself quite yet.”

“Of course I’ll do it, sweetheart,” he murmured, using the little nickname again, that seemed to make Rissa’s heart swell in her chest. “Just watch,” he murmured and his left hand—the flesh hand—slid down to cup her mound as Rissa pulled her own hand away.

She watched as, slowly, two long fingers spread open her outer lips, revealing her inner pussy to her for the first time.

Rissa stared at herself in the mirror in fascination. She had expected that she might be berry dark here, as her nipples were, when they were not glowing with heat. Instead, her inner pussy was a light, pinkish brown that was actually quite a lovely color.

“It’s like…a seashell,” she murmured. “Or maybe the inside of a flower, with petals.”

Indeed, the inside of her pussy did seem to have petals and folds and all of them were glistening and shiny. In the center was a tight little button or pearl, just as the book by her ancestor had described.

“You’re beautiful inside, Princess,” James growled softly in her ear. “So gorgeous and sweet and delicate.”

“And wet,” Rissa murmured. “Why am I so wet, James? Is that…is it normal?”

“It is,” he assured her. “Your pussy makes honey when you feel pleasure, Princess. Earlier when I was stroking your nipples you were moaning for me—it probably started getting wet then.”

“Oh, I…I see,” Rissa murmured breathlessly. “Is…is that the ‘pearl’ my ancestor, King Randolph the Thoughtful described?” she asked, nodding to the area in question in the mirror.

“It certainly is. We Kindred call it a ‘Goddess pearl’,” James told her. “Would you like me to stroke it for you, Princess?”

“If…if you like,” Rissa said. Her heart was pounding harder than ever, but somehow she didn’t want this to end.

“Very well. Just relax,” James murmured. “Relax and watch me pet your soft little pussy, sweetheart.”

Rissa watched as one long finger dipped down into her soft folds and then began to circle the little button at the center of her open pussy. The sensation that followed the big Kindred’s careful, gentle exploration of her secret area was immediate and intense.

“Oh!” she gasped, as sparks of pleasure shot through her. Her hips bucked involuntarily as he continued to circle the incredibly sensitive area. “Oh, James! That…that feels wonderful!”

“Would you like to try it yourself?” he murmured and his other hand, the metal one, was cupping her right breast again and slowly circling her nipple. “Would you like to try stroking your soft little pussy, sweetheart?”

For some reason the naughty things he was saying in that deep rumbling voice in her ear made Rissa almost as hot and bothered as the way he was touching her.

“I…I guess so,” she whispered.

“Go ahead then,” James encouraged her. “I’ll hold your outer lips open and you can try stroking your Goddess pearl to give yourself pleasure.”

There was still some guilt in the back of her head, but Rissa pushed it aside firmly. After all, if she was going to control her Heat Cycle, she had to do this—had to learn how to give herself pleasure. Also, as James kept reminding her, it was her body and she ought to have the right to touch it any way she wanted to.

Slowly, hesitantly, she slid her own finger between her spread nether lips and tried touching herself as James had been touching her.

The sensation was different when she was touching herself instead of being touched, but it was no less pleasurable.

“Oh…” she whispered, sliding her fingertip around and around the tight little button at her center. “Oh, James, this feels so good. But I still don’t understand how it will help me control my Cycle.”

Indeed, her points and her inner pussy, as James had taught her to call it, were both beginning to heat up alarmingly. Already her points were glowing a dull red and her pussy was becoming hot to touch.