“I just want you to be all right,” James told her. He took a deep, calming breath, centering himself and reminding himself that he was a Dark Kindred, with no illogical emotions. All these sensations were just a result of his desire to protect the Princess, that was all.

“I am all right,” Ka’rissa whispered, but she sounded doubtful. “I…that is, I think I am,” she added.

“Are you?” James demanded, frowning at her. “Are you really well, Ka’rissa?”

“No,” she admitted at last, in a small voice. “No, I…I guess that I am not.” She sighed deeply. “The things that awful Duke Grabbington was saying to me tonight—”

“What was he saying?” James’s voice dropped to a low, ominous growl and his hands began to curl into fists again.

“Just that he would rule me through my Heat Cycle and make me beg him to slake my Heat,” she said quickly and made a face. “Ugh—I can’t stand him! I really would rather go up in flames than let that disgusting man touch me!”

“I would rather you didn’t go up in flames,” James told her, frowning. “I think it would be much better if you took control of your Heat Cycle yourself, Princess.”

She bit her lip, looking up at him with shy hope in her eyes.

“Do you really think I can?”

“I know you can,” James said firmly. “But you have to forget the lies you’ve been told your whole life and take charge of your own body.”

“I want to, James.” Her voice grew stronger. “I really do—especially after dealing with the Duke all night long. I’d go mad if I had to truly take him as a husband. But, well, I hardly know where to start. Could…” She looked down at her hands. “Would you help me?” she asked at last, shyly.

The anger was gone and now James felt as though something was filling his chest with warmth and sunlight. The thought that she trusted him to help her—that she wanted him to touch her… Well, he had no words to describe it. He only knew that he wanted to be gentle with her, to not scare her, to help her take control of her Heat Cycle and learn to discover her feminine core—that part of herself that had been so maligned her entire life.

“Of course, I’ll help you, Princess,” he murmured. “Come on, let’s go to the bedchamber where we can get more comfortable.”


Rissa wasn’t sure what to expect as she followed the big Kindred into her bedchamber. He took something from her dressing table and then settled himself against the padded headboard and spread his legs.

“Come here, Princess,” he rumbled, patting the place between his thighs, which were slightly spread. “Sit with me and let’s see what we can do.”

Rissa bit her lip.

“Should…should I put on my nightdress first?” she asked, uncertainly.

He shook his head.

“It will only get in the way. You can keep the towel on, if you want to, but we’re going to open it up so that I can reach you and you can reach yourself.”

This felt both naughty and dangerous to Rissa, but she trusted the big Kindred—trusted him with her life and her reputation too. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt or ruin her, she was certain of it. And she had asked for his help.

“All right,” she said and climbed into the bed with him.

“Good, now lean back against me,” James patted his broad, muscular chest invitingly. He had taken off his shirt and boots, which meant that he had on only his tight black leather trousers. His bare chest was mouthwatering, Rissa couldn’t help thinking. Keeping her towel wrapped around her, she leaned back against him, just as he had asked.

“What…what are you going to do to me?” she asked, turning her head to look over her shoulder at him.

“Nothing you don’t want me to,” James rumbled reassuringly. “First, I want to introduce you to a part of yourself you barely know at all. Princess, will you please open your towel and spread your legs for me?”

Rissa’s heart was hammering but not with fright. There was another emotion filling her, though she hardly knew how to name it. At the tips of her breasts, her peaks were getting warm and tingly and between her legs she felt the same thing.

Slowly, she opened the towel, baring herself for the big Kindred. She was glad he was behind her, so she didn’t have to watch him looking at her—that might have made her too nervous, she thought. But she liked leaning back against his broad chest like this. His big body seemed to surround hers in a protective blanket of safety and his wild, fresh scent was making her feel almost dizzy as she breathed him in.

“Gods, you’re beautiful,” James breathed. “Your breasts are so full and lovely, Princess.”