“Do you really think we’ll find a way to stop my blood from overheating?” Rissa asked, looking up at him anxiously.

“I certainly hope so.” James sounded grim. “Or else I’m afraid you’ll be spending the entire next solar month in a tub of icy water.” He stroked her forehead. “But I don’t think it will come to that, Princess. I’m sure we can find some kind of cure for you.”

Rissa felt a tiny tendril of hope growing in her heart. Maybe he was right. Maybe they would find the answer they sought in the archives of the Very First Family.

“I want to go and look for a cure right away,” she said, putting her hands on the edges of the tub to try and get out.

“Not yet.” James frowned at her sternly. “You nearly went up in flames just now. You can’t leave the tub until you can control your emotions—I believe those are what have caused your Heat Cycle to go into overdrive in the first place.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” Rissa nibbled her lower lip. “If only I could be emotionless, like you,” she said to him.

Though to be honest, he hadn’t been acting like a man with no emotions, she thought as she looked up at the big Kindred. He had seemed really worried about her and he had acted with amazing speed to save her by getting her undressed and into the tub. And even now he had a worried frown on his stern features as he looked down at her and stroked her forehead and cheek with infinite tenderness.

“I don’t think I would want you to have no emotions at all,” James remarked, shaking his head. “Your happy emotions are very pleasant to be around and even when you are sad or upset, as you are now, I find it intriguing to be near you. I only wish you could keep your feelings from triggering your Heat Cycle and putting you in danger.”

“Thank you, James—that’s very sweet of you to say,” Rissa murmured, looking up at him. It occurred to her that she was naked under the cold water and he was very close, kneeling by the edge of the tub and leaning over her protectively. But she had no urge to cover herself—being with him this way, close to him, just seemed right.

“I am not trying to be ‘sweet’,” he protested. “Only practical. We must calm you down in order to cool you down, Princess. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Think soothing thoughts, if you can and I will massage your temples.”

Rissa closed her eyes obediently and took some long, deep, even breaths. But the only thing she seemed able to think about was James’ cool hands stroking over her forehead and cheeks and temples, easing her heat and calming the tumult inside her. At last she felt herself relaxing under his gentle touch.

“James,” she murmured. “You are so very good to me. Thank you.”

“I’m here to serve you and protect you in any way I can, Princess,” he rumbled, stroking his big hands soothingly over her shoulders and down her arms. “And…” He seemed to hesitate for a moment. “And I don’t like seeing you upset,” he finished at last. “It…bothers me. Greatly.”

Rissa blinked and opened her eyes to see the big Kindred leaning over her. Was he admitting to having an emotion for her? It was difficult to say but she couldn’t help noticing that he was close. So close she could see the flecks of gold and silver in his metallic blue eyes and smell the clean, fresh, masculine scent he seemed to exude whenever she was near him.

He is close enough to kiss you, whispered a little voice in her head and for a moment—just a moment—Rissa allowed herself to picture how that would be. She focused on his sensual mouth, wondering how it would feel to have his lips pressed to hers…

Suddenly a memory of her time with her good friend, Alyssa, surfaced in her mind. They had been staying up late in Alyssa’s room after her End of Season party and all the chaperones had already gone to sleep. Lady Mildew had been snoring fit to shake the house down when Alyssa had asked Rissa if she wanted to know how babies were made. Rissa had nodded—it was forbidden knowledge, but she couldn’t help being curious.

“Yes,” she had whispered eagerly. “How?”

“It’s like this—the man kisses you and puts his tongue in your mouth and that’s how the baby-making seed slips down your throat and into your belly,” Alyssa had told her, in a hushed whisper. “After that, your Moon Blood stops flowing and your belly starts to swell.”

“And it happens every time a man kisses you?” Rissa had asked, both scandalized and intrigued.

Her friend had nodded solemnly. “Every single time.”