His thoughts were full of such ideas as he put his eye to the peep hole in the door and looked around…and then down to see a sour-faced Lady Mildew standing there, tapping her foot. Once more, James thought the female looked like she had been sucking on sour citrus. Why was she so unhappy all the time?

Since he had no emotions himself, he had a hard time analyzing the cause of others’ emotions. But he didn’t really care about the Princess’s old Companion enough to try, anyway.

He opened the door and nodded at her.

“Lady Mildew.”

“Get out of my way!” the older female declared, brushing past him. “Where is that girl? I’ll not be kept waiting all night. Ka’rissa?” she called impatiently. “Where are you?”

“I’m here, Lady Mildew.” Ka’rissa stepped out from behind James and bobbed a little curtsy to the other female.

“There you are—and not a moment too soon! I’ve been kept waiting outside for ages!” Lady Mildew complained.

“I will go and draw the bath,” James said to the Princess.

“What? The bath’s not even ready yet?” Lady Mildew exclaimed.

“It will be in a moment,” James assured her. He went into the bathing chamber and began to run cold water into the large, oval tub. But his Kindred hearing was still sharp enough to hear the two females talking, even over the rushing water. He looked through the crack in the door, observing them quietly.

“Thank you for coming, Lady Mildew,” Ka’rissa said politely. “I’m ready for my bath.”

“No, you’re not! Look at you—you still have on your chemise and pantalettes!” Lady Mildew exclaimed. “Can’t this new Companion of yours even manage to undress you?”

“He was, er, undressing me.” For some reason, Ka’rissa’s cheeks went rosy in a blush of apparent embarrassment. “But we started talking and, well, we rather lost track of time.”

“Talking, were you?” Lady Mildew gave her a skeptical look. “Are you sure that’s all you were doing, girl?”

“What else would I have been doing?” Ka’rissa protested, still blushing.

“Things you’re not supposed to!” Lady Mildew snapped.

“James is a robot—a cyborg with no emotions,” Ka’rissa protested, defending him. “He doesn’t want to do any wrong things like that with me.”

“That’s what he says—that’s what all males say,” Lady Mildew said ominously. “But you mark my words, my girl, they all want the same thing!”

“What is that? What do they want?” Ka’rissa looked honestly confused. “You always say such things but then you never explain them.”

“Never you mind—an unmarried girl doesn’t need to know,” the other female snapped. “Just you be careful he doesn’t take any liberties with you.”

“I wouldn’t let him kiss me, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Ka’rissa looked shocked.

“You’d better not!” Lady Mildew said sternly. “Now come on, girl—let’s get you in and out of the bath. I don’t have all night!”

“Yes, Lady Mildew,” Ka’rissa murmured.

The two women approached the bathing chamber and James stepped quickly away from the door. He supposed what he had been doing might be what some people considered “eavesdropping,” though he preferred to think of it as reconnaissance. The conversation between Princess Ka’rissa and her former chaperone had given him much to process and ponder, but for now, he must see to the Princess’s bath.


“Well, are you planning to take a bath in all your clothes?” Lady Mildew demanded. “Take off your things, girl, since your new Companion was too lazy to take them off earlier!”

“I can help the Princess remove her other garments now,” James offered. Shutting off the water, he stepped forward to stand in front of Rissa. “How may I assist you, Princess?” he asked formally.

“Oh, er, well…” Rissa began, feeling herself blush to the roots of her long, curly hair.

“Embarrassed now, are you, my girl?” Lady Mildew looked at her shrewdly. “As well you should be! Letting a man undress you!”

“James is no man—he is a cyborg!” Rissa cried, but it was hard to remember that when he was standing there in front of her, so tall and handsome with his broad shoulders and his shirt sleeves rolled up to expose muscular forearms—though one of them was made of metal.

That’s right—metal! He’s no different from a butler droid and I would not be embarrassed to let one of them undress me, Rissa reminded herself.

Focusing on the big Kindred’s metal arm helped her regain control of herself and vanquish her embarrassment.

“Sir James,” she said formally, looking up at him. “Will you please help me to remove my underthings so that I might get into the tub?”

“With pleasure, my Lady,” James returned, his deep voice as formal as hers. Bending a little, because he was so tall, he helped her out of her robe and draped it over one arm. Then he pulled her chemise over her head and helped her step out of he pantalettes, which he also draped over his arm.