“Well, the main difference from Regalia Five—at least that I have observed so far—is that aboard the Mother Ship, males and females are considered equal,” James told her. “They do the same jobs for the same compensation and neither sex is restricted from knowledge of their biology.”

“Oh, men and women are equal on Regalia Five too,” Rissa said quickly. “It’s only that women are considered to be the weaker sex—we are supposed to be more delicate—more easily shocked. We are protected from forbidden knowledge for our own good—or so everyone says,” she added, frowning.

James gave her a skeptical look.

“Princess, tonight you went out and danced for hours wearing heavy weights on your head and body, despite the fact that you were close to fatally overheating at any time. How, exactly, does that make you weaker than a male?”

“Oh, well…” Rissa trailed off, uncertain how to answer.

“I didn’t see any of the males in the ballroom wearing clothing as heavy as your gown or a wig as big and elaborate as yours. And none of them was worried about bursting into flames as they danced,” he went on. “I think that makes you braver and stronger than any male there—would you agree?”

“I…I don’t know.” Rissa looked at him in surprise, as the things he said sank in. “I never thought of it that way,” she murmured. “I have always been taught that women are fragile, weak creatures who must be treated delicately and not overloaded with too much thinking.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?” James demanded. “I know I certainly don’t.”

“Well—” she began.

But just then there was a loud banging on the front door of her rooms.

“Oh—it must be Lady Mildew, come to take off my Chastity Wire!” she exclaimed. “And we’ve just been standing here talking—we do not even have the bath run yet!”

“I can take care of that,” James promised. “But first let me make certain it really is Lady Mildew at the door.”

“All right,” Rissa agreed. She liked how protective the big Kindred was, though she had to admit, she was nervous about encountering Lady Mildew again. Who knew what nasty things her old chaperone might say? But there was no help for it—she had to take her ice bath before she went to bed and Lady Mildew was the only one who could remove her Chastity Wire so that she could safely get into the soaking tub.

Rissa sighed. Still wearing her chemise, stockings, the ice gel packs that fit over her points, and her pantelletts, she wrapped her white silk robe around herself and followed James to the door.

She only hoped they wouldn’t have another unpleasant scene, as they had in the ball room!


If James was honest with himself, he was glad of the interruption. He had been enjoying talking to Princess Ka’rissa much more than he probably should. And before that, he had been touching her soft, warm skin and long, silky hair, which he also, should not have enjoyed.

But I only enjoyed it because of the pleasurable sensations I got from the textures of her skin and hair, he tried to tell himself. However, he had touched soft things in the past. The material of his own uniform shirt was made of a soft, heavy, silky fabric that was pleasant to feel, and yet he had never had the urge to go on stroking it over and over, in the same way he had wanted to keep massaging Ka’rissa’s soft skin and playing with her long, curly hair.

He had also never undressed a female before—not even the single Pairing Puppet he had been with aboard the Mother Ship, who had undressed herself with mechanical, jerky motions. He liked the feeling of helping the Princess—of easing her pain and releasing her from the bondage of her clothing.

Why in the universe did the people of Regalia Five insist on constricting themselves with torturous items like the corset and weighing themselves down with heavy clothing and wigs, James wondered? The petite, curvy Princess had been wearing an outfit and wig that was nearly a quarter to a third of her own body weight and she had been forced to dance all night in it, which amounted to fairly vigorous exercise. Why did they put themselves through it?

Ka’rissa’s explanation of it being “Court fashion” didn’t sit well with James. He himself had worn a heavy, metal exoskeleton for years, but it—like his enhancements—had been made of smart metal, which molded to his body and moved with him. The Princess’s dress and wig lacked any kind of helpful electrodes or sensors that might make them anything other than a burden.

Also, the idea of females being weaker and more fragile than males was patently ridiculous. Yes, they were not as strong physically as males but that didn’t make them less intelligent or less able to think. How was it that Ka’rissa had been kept ignorant of her own biology? There must be some way to control her Heat Cycle, other than some mysterious function her future mate might serve, whatever that might be.