“Well, I suppose that’s done,” Rissa remarked. She had to admit that besides her one dance with the Duke, this had been the most enjoyable ball she could remember. And that was certainly because of her new Companion, who had proved to be such an excellent dancer.

“Is it?” James was still watching alertly as people filed out. “Come, Princess—I don’t want you out in the open during this confusion,” he added, before she could answer.

And taking her by the arm, he led her out of the ballroom—or attempted to, anyway. For just as they reached the archway that led toward the wing of the palace that housed the Royal apartments, Lady Mildew was suddenly blocking their path.


“Lady Mildew,” Rissa said blankly. “Er, how do you do?”

“I do very poorly, my girl,” the older woman snapped. “Very poorly indeed, when I see you making a spectacle of yourself out on the dance floor all night, ignoring everything I’ve ever taught you!”

“I beg your pardon,” Rissa said icily. “I have not the pleasure of understanding you. I was simply dancing, which you have often told me is my Royal duty.”

“You danced almost all the dances with that…that new Companion of yours!” Lady Mildew motioned derisively at James, who was standing at Rissa’s side.

“No, she danced exactly half of them with me,” James corrected her mildly. “Unless you count the first two dances, in which case, she danced four-tenths of the dances with me. Or two-fifths—whichever you prefer,” he added.

Lady Mildew glared up at him.

“I know your game, you blackguard! You just want to get the Princess alone and do improper and immoral things to her!”

“I have told you before, I have no sexual desire for the Princess, no matter how aesthetically pleasing she is,” James replied blandly. “I have no emotions and no sexual urges—I am a Dark Kindred.”

“You say that now, but I’m sure you can’t wait to get her undressed and see her naked in her bath!” Lady Mildew accused him.

“Lady Mildew!” Rissa was horrified by the older woman’s words. “How dare you accuse Sir James of such impropriety? Of course he will help me to undress and bathe me—he is my Constant Companion now. But it will be the same as if…as if one of those shiny, silver butler droids was helping me!”

“It will not,” Lady Mildew said stoutly, still glaring at James. “For none of them has male parts between their legs!”

By now Rissa’s face was so red and hot with embarrassment, she wished the grey marble dance floor would open and let her sink into it. How could her old Companion and chaperone act in this manner and say such humiliating things in front of her new guard? How could she be so horrid?

“You’re only being angry and spiteful because Sir James has replaced you!” she snapped at the older woman. “I refuse to hear any more of this nonsense. Sir, James, please be kind enough to take me to my apartments,” she added, turning to him.

“With pleasure, Princess,” the big Kindred rumbled, holding out an arm to her.

But Lady Mildew wasn’t to be put off so easily.

“You just remember that I still hold the remote to your Chastity Wire, my girl” she snarled at Rissa. “The Steward allowed me to retain at least that much control! So don’t get too comfortable together. I shall be in later to remove it for your bath and then I shall put it right back on again!”

Rissa’s heart sank. Would she never be completely rid of the controlling old bat? But she refused to show her disappointment and anger.

“Very well,” she said frostily. “I shall expect your knock at my door, Lady Mildew. Until then, I am tired and wish to retire to my rooms. I bid you good evening.”

She dropped a chilly little curtsy to the other woman and swept away down the hall on James’s arm, without a single backward glance.


Rissa wanted to go straight into her apartments and relax. She was longing to take off the heavy brocade gown, her tightly cinched corset, and the towering wig. It was giving her a terrible headache in her temples due to the tightness of the skull cap and the pins digging into her scalp and pulling her natural hair.

But James would not allow it.

“Wait—let me go in first and make sure everything is secure,” he growled protectively, just as Rissa was reaching for the doorknob.

She thought of protesting, but then she remembered the attack in the library and nodded.

“Very well. I shall wait here.”

“It won’t take long to check,” he promised. Opening the door to her rooms, he looked inside and inhaled deeply.

Rissa watched with interest. The big Kindred reminded her of a hound scenting the air.

James sniffed again and frowned, as though analyzing the odors he had picked up.