“Thanks. I would’ve rather had the money, but the looks I got on the highway were worth the breakdown.” Gavin flashed a smirk and picked up the darts. “Mind if I join?”

“You can take my turn,” I told him and poured the beers before I grabbed a shot for myself.

Gavin saluted me with the darts just as a trio of twenty-somethings came up to the table, smiling and giggling.

“Gavin Ross? You’re like our favorite rock star, ever. Think we can get a photo?”

“Sure.” He flashed a smile that wasn’t without tension. “I’m happy to take a photo with fans. What are your names?”

He was a natural, pulling answers from the giggling girls who were barely old enough to order a drink, posing for a friendly photo without touching either of them.

“You ladies drink safely.”

“Okay,” the said at the same time and giggled.

When they were gone, Gavin the rock star disappeared and Gavin the man returned. “So, what are we talking about? Ryan’s problems with the pretty doctor?”

Antonio laughed, practically spilling the pitcher as he poured it into three glasses. “Got it one, Gavin.”

Cal added his laughter to the chorus. “How did you know?”

Gavin shrugged. “I was there when she made a particularly indecent proposal.”

“Oh shit, seriously?”

“Oh yeah. It was entertaining as hell and I’m in need of an update.”

Laughter exploded out of me. “I guess small-town gossip is more addictive than I realized.”

Gavin shrugged.

Cal laughed again. “He’s hopeless.”

“Nah, just hopelessly in love.” Gavin threw three darts consecutively, narrowly missing a bullseye on the last throw. “I think they’ve got a good chance at making it.”

“If he doesn’t screw it up,” Antonio added around a cough.

“I won’t,” I growled at them all. The last thing I planned to do was make a mistake that would cost me this chance with Persephone. She wouldn’t be open to a second chance, especially if it posed even a small risk to our lifelong friendship. I had to tread carefully, but with a clear mind.

“See,” Gavin laughed, “he won’t screw it up. And if he does, I’ll swoop in and take her for myself.”

I knew he was joking but his words rankled because I knew Persephone was a huge fan and the guy wasn’t bad looking. “Gavin,” I grunted and glared at him.

Cal, Antonio, and Gavin all laughed, loud and long, until I flipped all three of them off, a move that only caused even more raucous laughter.


For the first time in a long time, I did something I almost never did. I jumped up and down, clapping and squealing with excitement. Ryan’s big blue eyes glittered with a blend of amusement and satisfaction at my childish reaction, and I wasn’t bothered at all. “Axe throwing? Seriously?”

Ryan gave one sharp nod, his smile unstoppable. “Yeah, seriously.”

I jumped again while he laughed. “This is great! I’ve always wanted to do this.” A few months back, I’d heard some of the guys at the hospital talking about the fun they had doing it and I wanted to try it myself.

“Really? Why didn’t you do it before now?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted with a shrug. “But I’m glad I get to do it now. Seriously, Ry, this is great.”

His smile softened when he looked at me this time, his expression full of affection. And a heat that I felt all the way down to the bottom of my feet. “Maybe we should get some axes before you declare the date a success?” His lips twitched with amusement and I knew he was thinking of our first official date last week.

“Hell yes!” My heart thumped like crazy when we got started—I mean, I was a doctor, for crying out loud, and I was throwing axes. On purpose.

“Dammit,” I growled when the third axe smacked the target and slid to the ground. “I suck.”

Ryan laughed and stepped behind me. “You don’t suck, not at this anyway.” His words sent heat throughout my body, or maybe it was his proximity, the feel of his hard body pressed against my back. “You’re just new to this, that’s all.”

“How do you know?” My words came out on a breathy stammer.

Ryan’s deep chuckle vibrated against my back and I felt my nipples bead instantly. “Let’s do a little scientific experiment. I’ll show you how to throw and if you still suck, then we’ll declare it official: Persephone Vanguard sucks at axe-throwing. Deal?”

My head fell back against his shoulder and I laughed, but it turned to a gasp when Ryan’s big hands gripped my waist. “Deal.”

“Okay, first, let’s start with your stance. Spread your feet hip-width apart.” His hands lowered to my hips, fingertips tapping out a beat that had my pulse racing.

I widened my stance and took a deep breath to push away the lust. “Okay. Done.”

“Now,” his hands slid up from my hips to sculpt over my waist, the sides of my breasts before landing on my shoulders, “stand tall and square your shoulders.”