He was right about that. “Times are different, kid. Too many boogeymen out here and not enough of me to keep an eye on you. Now, do you wanna argue to tell me about your day?”

He let out another sigh, knowing the conversation was closed until his mother said otherwise. “I get to be a hall monitor next week, and the week after, I get to look after the class bunny, Flapper.” Titus took a breath and it was the last one he took for the next fifteen minutes. “And guess what else, Ryan?”

I took a moment. “You’re getting bumped up to high school the week after you get Flapper?”

“No, silly. I’m not that smart,” he giggled.

“You’re going to become the school mascot?”

He giggled again and the sound brought a smile to my face. “Nope. Wait, is that a thing I can do?”

It was my turn to laugh. “Who do you think is inside the costume, a robot?”

“I wanna do that,” he said, jumping up and down excitedly as if he already had the job. “But no, not that either.”

“Okay, tell me.”

“There’s a father-son camping trip in a few weeks and since you’re kind of like my dad, will you do it with me?” He was so adorably nervous, like there was a chance in hell that I would turn him down. “Will you?”

“I’d love to go with you, kiddo. But I have to warn you that I know next to nothing about camping.” The last time I went camping, I was a teenager, and it was just a pretense to have a few uninterrupted hours with beer and girls.

“I can teach you!”

I laughed. “Yeah? You became a camping expert when I wasn’t looking?”

“No, but I’ve seen lots of videos on setting up a tent and starting a fire, ’cause I’m gonna be a Firefly next year and I’ll already know everything.”

Titus was smarter than the average kid, so I had no doubt that was true. “Then let’s set up a time where you can teach me the basics of camping, kid. I think you might be too short to get the tent set up all the way.”

“Maybe,” he conceded with a laugh. “I’m hungry?”

“Me too. Burgers or fried chicken?” One of the best parts of spending afternoons with a hungry kid was that I got to eat like a hungry kid. And I did. Often.

Titus tapped his chin as he thought about his answer and then smiled. “Fried chicken sandwiches?”

“With onion rings?”

“And curly fries?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. We’ll have to get broccoli or spinach if we get both.”

Titus practically bounced back toward the exit. “I vote broccoli. It’s not as gross as other veggies.”

Was there any doubt why I loved this kid so much?


“Another superhero movie?” I let out a fake groan and fell onto the sofa between my two favorite guys. “One time, just one time, I want you guys to surprise me with a romantic pick, or even a comedy.”

It was movie night again and I’d been nervous about it all day, wondering if Ryan would expect us to act like a couple in front of Titus.

“Mom,” Titus groaned. “Lovey-dovey movies are gross. Everybody’s always kissing like this.” He made kissing noises, followed up immediately by gagging sounds. “No, thank you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at my son. He was such a guy’s guy in some ways and so introspective in other. Like a geek and a macho man had merged into one little blond-haired boy. “Oh, remember this moment, little boy, because you won’t feel this way about girls forever.”

“You’re my favorite girl, Mom. Why do I need more?” He gagged again for extra effect and we both dissolved into a fit of giggles.

“Don’t listen to her, Titus. Your mom secretly loves superhero movies. I even caught her watching one without us.”

Titus gasped, shock in his big round eyes. “You did? Which one?”

I shrugged and glared at Ryan for divulging my secret. “The one with the really fit guy who has to save the world.”

“Mom, gross. Don’t say that.” Titus crawled across my lap and settled between me and Ryan. “These are superheroes even though Megan calls them eye candy.”

Ryan let out a loud bark of laughter. “If that makes your mom okay with watching them on movie night, it’s fine by me.”

Titus thought about it for a moment and grinned. “Okay. Me too.” And just like that, the matter was settled.

“It’s always two against one with you boys.” I was constantly outnumbered when it came to movies, movie snacks, and sometimes even takeout.

Ryan reached his arm across the back of the sofa and weaved his fingers with mine. “You can pick what we have for dinner tonight. Deal?”

“I was going to anyway,” I answered and stuck out my tongue.

The sound of his laughter, so rich and so deep, sent a trail of shivers racing up and down my skin while his thumb rubbed teasing circles in the palm of my hand.