In response to that one word, she took me deeper, so deep, until I hit the deepest point I could and the dam broke. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed down on me until I thought I might drown in it, and Persephone was like a goddess, pleasing me until she sucked me bone dry.

She pulled back and smacked her lips. “The taste of us together is pretty incredible.” Her words came out breathless, her cheeks flushed pink, a satisfied expression on her face.

“Persephone,” I growled and my cock twitched in her hands. “You’re driving me out of my mind.”

Almost instantly, she climbed up my body and sank down onto my cock, taking me deeper and deeper until I was hard again, thrusting up with every stroke. I don’t know how I managed to stay hard, but it had a lot to do with seeing her beautiful tits bouncing as she took her pleasure from me. She took what she wanted like a wild woman, and soon she pulsed and clenched around me.

“Ryan, oh god! Yes!” Even as her orgasm subsided, her hips continued to roll as if she wasn’t ready for the pleasure to end.

Neither was I. “You are absolutely stunning when you come.”

She smiled and collapsed on top of me. “Stunning, huh? Must be the blow job talking.”

“You’re always stunning, but like this, I can’t look away.” She laughed and the sound reverberated between us. “But the blow job didn’t hurt. Anytime you need a compliment, I’m all right with you doing that.”

Persephone rolled her eyes and rolled off me with a breathy moan. “Color me surprised.” She fell onto her back, chest still heaving with the effort to get air into her lungs. The sound of her growling stomach broke through the haze of lust that had settled around us.


She nodded. “Oh yeah, and we have a treat. Ready to refuel?”

“Hell yes.” I grabbed my boxers while Persephone reached for my undershirt and slipped it over her head. “What’s on the menu?”


I followed the swing of her hips down the stairs and into the kitchen, barely aware of anything until she pulled the bright blue dish from the oven. “That’s not just your basic frozen lasagna.”

Persephone turned to me with an arched brow. “Who said it was? Seduction requires a lot more than frozen lasagna, Ryan.”

I shrugged. “You could have answered the door naked and it would’ve been fine by me. But damn, that smells amazing, so thanks for the effort.”

We moved around the kitchen like we always did, a lifelong partnership in a well-choreographed dance we’d performed hundreds, maybe thousands of times over the years. Minutes later, we were seated at the table with two big-ass servings of short-rib lasagna in front of us.

Her head fell forward and a downright erotic moan escaped. “That’s delicious.”

I nodded my agreement, too hungry to use words while I shoveled the lasagna into my mouth by the forkful. Less than five minutes later, I added another square to my plate. “Perfect reward for a job well done.”

Persephone’s laugh was loud and surprised, and I felt my chest puff up a little at the sound. She pushed her empty plate away and rested her chin in her hands, in what I liked to call her deep-thinking pose.

Suddenly the short ribs felt dry, the lasagna tasteless, as I waited for her to tell me that this was a mistake, that as fantastic and pleasurable as it had been, it could not happen again. That she was far too sophisticated for a mechanic and we would be better off as friends.

The wait was unbearable, and I shoveled a mountain of lasagna in my mouth and spoke around it. “Just say it, woman.”

“This was fun.”

I nodded my agreement because it was a hell of a lot more than fun. It was miles past fun.

“And I think that we should—” She sighed and shook her head. “I think it would be nice if we could keep doing this.” She motioned between the two of us.

Her words shocked the hell out of me. “You do?”

She nodded and flicked her hair from her shoulders. “I do. The sex is great, and we go together so well, almost as if we have been doing this our whole lives. We trust each other and we already care about each other.” The look in her eyes was uncertain, but my best friend didn’t back down from a challenge, even when it terrified her. “We both get what we need, when we need it, without the hassle of dating.”

And just like that, the balloon popped. She was proposing nothing but a sexual relationship, which I wasn’t opposed to on principle. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more.

“Well, don’t just sit there and stare me, Ryan. Tell me what you think.”

I let out a sigh as Oliver’s words banged around in my head. I didn’t want to think about Persephone moving on with another man, at least not without giving us a chance. A real chance. The old timer was right, it was high time I grabbed life by the balls and made it mine to command.