As for me, my position remains unchanged. I would rather die than lift a hand toward River when the rage kicks in. And it will. I’ve already experienced it.

“Done! Here!” A woman in blue scrubs with a mask pops out the door and holds out a largish insulated tote.

“What do I do with it?”

“Don’t let it get too cold. The enzymes will break down. And make sure they all know to take the minimum dosage. One drop. Per day. By mouth. If they take more, they could die. It’s very strong.”

“Awesome. So tell a bunch of addicts to take less.”

“Just tell them. They have a three-month supply here, and we can’t make more after this. Not for a very long time.”

Oh no. “Why?”

“A key ingredient comes from the pituitary gland of the northern white rhino.”

“Oh. Come on! There are only, what, like a thousand of those left?”

“Two. Just two. Our sample came from a genetics lab in Brazil. We had to pull a lot of strings to get it.”

“Then how did that pencil-neck chemist sell his formula to college students?”

“He must’ve come up with a synthetic version, which wasn’t part of the formula he gave us.”

“Of course it wasn’t.” Why did I believe Morris would just hand over the entire formula for someone else to exploit?

“Thank you.” I grab the bag and go. I’d pay a visit to Morris, but the pain in my chest is getting worse. I know I’m almost out of time.



When Huff shows up at the hospital, he has me meet him in the stairwell outside by the garage. I have to sneak out because there are news crews everywhere. The police are here, too, just hoping to nab Huff for breaking into the jail. I can’t believe this is happening.

I meet him in the designated spot, finding him leaning against a wall, looking calm and cool and sexy as ever. My heart lights up when I see those crisp blue eyes filled with so much love for me.

Then I notice his mouth. The corners are turned down. His shoulders are hunched forward a little. He’s in pain.

Oh no. Oh no. It’s happening. I rush to him, and he folds me into his arms.

I don’t know what to say. If he’d just take the damned formula, he’d have more time. Then we could figure this out together. “You can’t die on me, Huff.”

He holds me tighter.

I want him to say something, like he’s got a solution. He’s found a way to fix everything.

“Even if I wanted to change my mind,” he says, “the lab was only able to make enough for forty people. Three-month supply. Morris made sure one of the ingredients is impossible to get. They’ll need his help to find a work-around if they want more, and I doubt he’s going to cooperate.”

I pull away from Huff and rest my hand on his big arm. He feels so strong. How is he dying?

“Then take Keni’s dose. I don’t know how we’re going to get it to her anyway. She’s locked up.”

“That’s not my problem. I did my part. But I’m not taking it, River. You don’t know what’s been going on inside my head, so you’ll have to trust me when I say you wouldn’t be safe around me. For real this time.”

I shake my head. “You’re a good guy, Huff. Nothing’s ever going to change that.”

He hands me the bag sitting on the ground. “The formula’s not supposed to get cold, so make sure no one refrigerates it.”

I want to scream. I want to cry. How’s it possible that Huff is giving up?

He gazes down on me, and now I see the pain he’s hiding behind his eyes.

“Kiss me,” I say.

He does. His mouth is warm and soft, his kiss demanding. I wish we could be together just once. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want him. Somehow, though, I know it would only make this harder. Once would never be enough. I need forever because it’s what my heart believes we deserve.

“There are so many things I want to tell you, River, but—”

“It’s him! Mr. Ferris! Mr. Ferris!” A mob of reporters bursts through the door and rushes into the stairwell. We start climbing, but another group is coming down.

I look at Huff. He stares back.

“What do you want to do?” I ask. He can get out of here if he wants.

He takes my hand and faces the group below us.

“Mr. Ferris! How do you feel about being called Ultra Mega Nerd Boy?”

“That’s what you want to ask me?” Huff says, his voice deep and strong. Like him. Like he’s always been. “I’m about to die, and that’s what the world needs to know? How about this instead: My name is Hudson Ulysses Ferris, but everyone calls me Huff. And when I was in the ninth grade…”