“Are you waiting for Chuck?”

I look up from my screen to find a pretty brunette in a red blouse, black skirt, and spiky heels. She’s a little older than me and smiling wide, like a hungry wolf that’s spotted something tasty.

“What was that?” I say.

“Chuck. He said his friend was joining us for dinner and I should keep an eye out for him since Chuck’s running late. Some accident.”

“Tell me about it. I was stuck for over an hour on the freeway. But no. I’m not waiting for Chuck.”

“Too bad. Well, maybe you want to join me for a drink while I wait for the rest of my party?”

I’m in dark jeans and a plain blue polo. It’s not exactly the right outfit for this restaurant, but maybe they won’t care. I have seen people wearing tacky golf attire go inside. Also, joining her isn’t such a bad idea. It’ll give me the opportunity to look around inside instead of hoping I’ll get lucky and spot Manda out here. If she’s even at this resort.

“That sounds great. My friend called and said he’d be a while, too,” I lie. “That accident’s got everything tangled up.”

The accident has almost cleared, but I guess she doesn’t know that.

“I’m Pen, by the way.” She holds out her hand.

“Hu… I’m Hud,” I say, deciding at the last second not to use Huff or my full name. I’m not exactly here with good intentions. Or bad ones. Really, I want to tell Manda that I don’t care what deal Kyle cuts, I’m going to make sure the world knows she’s a cold-blooded killer.

“Hud, nice to meet you.”

I follow her inside, and we go to the bar off to the right. It’s a separate room from the restaurant, with dark wood panels, scenic oil paintings, and mood lighting. There’s a clear view of everyone coming and going.

I sit at the corner of the bar and set my bag at my feet.

“Are you checking in? Checking out?” Pen eyes my bag.

“Neither. Just came in from the airport. I’m home from college for the weekend and having dinner with a friend, then staying with a relative.” It sounds better than saying the truth: I was going to stay with my parents in my room with the video game and cartoon posters, but now I’m pissed off because they want to accept money from the assholes who killed my sister. “And you?”

“I live about thirty minutes from here. Just meeting up with some old work friends from out of town.”

The bartender asks what we’d like. I smile and ask for a beer I don’t plan to drink. He doesn’t even bother to check my ID. Pen orders a glass of white wine.

“So, what are you majoring in?” she asks.

“I plan to go to law school.” It feels good to say it.

“Oh…” Her brown eyes light up. “A lawyer, huh? So what’s it going to be? Estate? Corporate?”

“Criminal law.”

The bartender returns with our drinks and tells me it’s on the house, followed by a wink. I seriously can’t get over how nice people are to me.

Pen sips her wine and licks her lips suggestively. “Mmmm…”

I don’t know what to do with this. She’s coming on to me. Distract her. “So what do you do, Pen? Pen, is that short for Penelope?”

“Penny. It’s an old family name. And I’m a legal clerk.”

“Ah. So that’s why you looked excited when I told you I’m studying law.”

“Honestly, I wanted to be a lawyer, but it wasn’t in the cards.”

“Why not?” I ask, hoping to keep her mind on anything but flirting with me. Meanwhile, I keep an eye on the traffic in and out of the restaurant.

“It’s a long story.” She swipes a hand through the air.

“I’ve got time.”

“Well, I don’t usually like telling strangers my business, but since you asked; my little sister got into some trouble a while back, and my parents decided to tap into my funds for grad school.”

There’s a split second that I wonder. Could it be? Could her sister be Manda? No. It would be too big a coincidence. “What did your sister do?” I ask.

“You know, typical teenage stuff. DUI. Only she decided to plow her car into an antique shop. With very expensive stuff. My parents lost everything.”

“That’s terrible.”

“They’re making do. And honestly, I’m happy. I see those lawyers in my office, all stressed out, working long hours. I go home, hit the gym, walk my dog.” She shrugs. “I’m happy.”

I smile at her. “Good for you.”

“Hey, so…think you might want to hook up later after dinner?”

My throat goes dry, and I try to swallow. “You mean? Um. You want me to…?”

“Come to my house. Sex?” she says like she’s asking me to watch a movie or play Uno.

I blink at her. I have no idea what to say. I mean, yeah. I’m twenty years old. Almost twenty-one. I’ve never even touched a naked girl. Of course I want to have sex! She’s gorgeous and older and yes. Yes. Yes. Please. But…I’m not here for that and, “Thanks for the offer, but I kind of have a girl back at school.”