

That was it?

So typical of this damned town.

And even though I’m the one who told, Huff hasn’t been able to shake the rep of tattletale pussy. He cries almost every night, wishing his rep weren’t true. Sometimes, I cry for him. I’d give anything to make him see that his life could be happy. He’s not worthless or weak. Fuck no. It’s the bullies of this world who are tormented by insecurity, so they live life like hammers. See a nail. Hit it. Kill, end, destroy, cancel anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

“Hey! Let up. I think Mrs. Mosley is coming,” says one of the girls who’s keeping watch by the locker room door.

Lana maybe? Perhaps it’s Tasha. No, it has to be Manda. Her mom is the councilwoman about to lose her seat to Kyle.

A pair of lips graze my ear, speaking with the venomous hiss of a cobra. “You tell anyone about this, and I’ll be sure your little brother gets ass-raped by the entire football team. Got it?”

I know the guys on the team. They wouldn’t do that because they’re a bunch of homophobes, but they’d sure as hell fuck up Huff if Manda snapped her perfectly manicured fingers.

“Tell me you understand, bitch,” says…yes, it’s Manda speaking now. I recognize the sugary stink of her perfume. “Say it.”

I try to move my head and nod but can’t. Too much pain.

“She’s going to say something,” warns one of the other girls. Tasha probably.

“I’m not missing graduation because of her white-trash ass,” says another.

“Shut up. Just leave. I’ll take care of this,” replies Manda. “Joy isn’t going to say a word.”

No. Probably not. But my superheroes will.

I give my heart to you, Huff. I hope it gives you strength to dream and find yourself. I hope it helps you find love after I’m gone.



With my blue backpack slung over my shoulder, I head to my locker with a bounce in my step. I just took my last final. History. It was way too easy, but school always is. At least, when it comes to studying and tests. I never have a problem getting good grades.

My social life, on the other hand? Fucking mess.

One more day. Just one more and summer will be here. All I have to do is clean out my locker and turn in my books tomorrow. Done.

I almost smile, but it’s hard to celebrate the end of something I just want to forget, like getting my ass kicked every day. Not everyone on the football team is bad, but they’re all afraid of Conner, the asshole quarterback. His dad is the mayor and has everyone, right down to the football coach and sheriff, in his back pocket.

Thank fuck Conner is going to college across the country. With any luck, I’ll never see him again after tomorrow’s graduation ceremony. Joy, my older sister, will also be among the graduating class. Like her, I have my mother’s dirty-blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. Unlike her, I’m going nowhere in life. Joy has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met, but she’s ambitious, too. Our older brother, Kyle, twenty-three, is also a go-getter. They have the “fightin’ Ferris” genes, as Dad likes to say.

“Huff!” a sweet voice calls out from among the mob of students pouring into the hallway. It’s River. She’s been my best friend since the second grade, when the teacher thought it would be funny to sit us together. Hudson and River. We’ve been inseparable since.

River’s mom is from Southern Mexico and her dad from Orlando. They met in Spain as exchange students, and River was born nine months later. She has straight black hair, big brown eyes, and olive skin. As for her name, her dad is a huge Duran Duran fan. Her name is Rio…

“Hey, I have that book you loaned me.” I slide my backpack off my shoulder and unzip the side pocket. It’s some corny collection of poetry she’s fallen in love with. I read it to be nice.

“Ohmygod,” River pants, skidding to a halt in front of me. “Huff! You have to come. Fast!”

“What’s wrong?” I can tell from her face that it’s bad. She had the same expression when her cat got caught in the fence last month. It lost its tail. Poor kitty.

“It’s Joy! I just heard Manda and her trolls are planning to kick the shit out of her in the locker room.”

I freeze, and a cold wave of ice rolls down my back. The concrete beneath my feet feels like it’s swaying. I step my legs apart and shove a hand in my jeans pocket. Breathe. Breathe. Don’t fall over.

“Huff! What are you doing? Come on!” River waves frantically.

Why is she waving? I can’t run into the girls’ locker room or fight Manda. I’d have Conner, her boyfriend, on my wimpy ass so fast, I’d probably be dead by dinnertime.