I approach the mirror and lean in for a closer look. There are a bunch of thick black hairs sticking from my cheek. I tug on one, and it comes loose.

“My stitches?” I inspect the threads that disintegrate in my hands. There’s no sign of the lacerations from last night. Not even a red mark.

“No way,” I mutter and pluck out the rest of the threads. My eyes can’t believe what they see. The tiny holes left behind from the sutures close up immediately.

I rub my hand over my chin, ear, and jaw. The sensation is dulled, almost like there’s a protective coating on my skin.

My pulsing bladder calls my attention. I still have to piss. I turn and sprint for the urinal, freeing my—

“Jesus Christ!” I step back and stare at the huge, thick cock flopping from my pants. I stare at the thing and give it a poke.

I felt that. I poke it again. The damned thing is definitely attached to my body, but this is not the dick I wore to the party last night. That was an average-sized penis—which I felt damned proud of. This is…is porn-sized!

The urge to piss is too overwhelming to ignore any longer, so I grab hold of the sucker as it lets go.

Oh god. It practically breaks free in my hand like a fire hose. The stream launches out of me like a rocket, piss going all over the place. I step back, unable to control the stream.

I don’t know what’s happening to my dick, but I’m pretty damned sure it’s a weapon of some sort.

The ceramic urinal starts to crack, and before I can move back another inch, the thing jars loose from the wall.

“Huff! What’s going on?” River rushes into the bathroom, her eyes locking on my huge dick. “Oh shit. Is that yours?” She then looks at the wall across from me and the broken urinal sitting on the tile floor. Water is going everywhere.

My eyes meet hers as I grip the snake of destruction in my shaking hand. “I believe you now. Something definitely happened last night.”


That morning, Ronno is generous enough to take me to get a new phone because River was in serious need of a shower, food, and sleep.

I dress in a pair of gray sweatpants and a red T-shirt that was once too big on me. I’m definitely going to have to buy new clothes today, because as is, I look like I got this stuff at Baby Gap.

At least my Converse still fit.

Two hundred bucks later (money I don’t have to spare), I’m telling myself it’s a necessity. My phone got crunched last night—found its remains in the parking lot—and Mom has probably texted me more than once. She loses it if I don’t respond right away, and the last thing I need is to worry her.

The new phone comes to life inside the store, and I’ve got eighty texts from River. Not good. When I get to Ronno’s car and start scrolling, I realize I haven’t managed to alter her fears about our “plan.”

“Our plan” consists of lying low and denying anything happened. We were never in that SUV. I only went to that party for an hour. After the fight, I left for the ER and went home. We will say nothing about what happened after she picked me up in the ER. Why? Because something is wrong with me.

Point one: I’m not a sci-fi freak. I don’t believe in magic, kryptonite, or radioactive super-spiders. I believe in facts and data. So why have I transformed? I have no clue. Not yet. But there has to be a logical, scientific reason.

Which leads to point two: That reason will likely be of interest to more than just me. I can think of a thousand different people and organizations that wouldn’t mind figuring out how I’ve gained fifty pounds of solid muscle and a monster cock in one night. If I go public, I’ll be locked up for either being crazy or to be experimented on. Denial is my friend.

Point three: I’ve secretly wished for this to happen all my life. I’ve always been smaller and weaker than the rest. As of today, that’s all history. I don’t know how it happened or why, but I seriously couldn’t give a crap. I feel the pulse of life in my veins. I feel like the part of me that was always missing has come home. Even my heart feels different. Bigger somehow.

The best thing about it is, I’m in a new place. Hardly anyone has met me yet, and if they have, they probably forgot about me five seconds later. The risk of anyone noticing I’m different is pretty low. Except for Blake and his bros.

But I have a plan. It’s Saturday afternoon, and I’m paying a visit to my new friends. We need to have a little talk.