“Yeah, sure we do.”

“No, no, no. Don’t do this. Huff hasn’t done anything wrong,” River sobs. “He was just defending me against you, Blake. And any of you would’ve done the same for your girlfriends if some guy was grabbing her breast and smothering her.”

“Dude, really?” says one of the guys.

“Don’t listen to her,” Blake throws back. “She had her tongue down my throat and her hand on my dick, begging me for it. This loser saw us and blindsided me. He’s obviously in love with her and got jealous.”

So that was the story he told his bros. And they bought it. Cool. We’re fucked.

“Move!” A firm hand on my chest walks me back. I’m expecting Blake or one of his idiots to ask River for her phone to set up the recording, but as I’m about to speak, that hand puts something tight around my neck and shoves me.

I go flying, hitting a pool of warm water. Tendrils of vegetation brush against my face and arms as I sink. I pull off my blindfold and scream for help, but the air leaving my lungs is quickly replaced by water. Gross, nasty-tasting, overly sweet water. I hack and choke and try to expel the liquid that’s suffocating me.

No use.

Whatever they tied around my neck is pulling me deeper. All the coughing in the world won’t give me what I need. Air.

The panic subsides in a fast, dreary second, and my brain starts shutting down. I know I’m dying. I know this is the end. But what gets me is that this means River won’t be far behind. Blake and his band of dumbass bedazzled super-cunts have decided both River and I need to die.

They’re going to regret this. It’s going to change their lives. And not for the better.

Wait. What? I’m actually feeling sorry for them? I don’t get it, but I am.

This world is a better place with River in it, and they’ll have to live the rest of their lives trying to justify why they killed someone so incredible. As for me, my life ended five years ago when I chose myself over Joy. I could blame fear, but it would be a coward’s way out.

I’m done with that.


“Huff, come out already.” Joy knocks on the bathroom door, where I’ve locked myself in.

“I want to be alone.” Seriously, I don’t even know why I was born. What was the point? Every time things start to go okay, someone messes it up. Lately, it’s our neighbor down the street. Tyler is eleven, my age, and we’ve been playing together once a week for as long as I can remember. We put on capes and climb trees. We save the world.

A week ago, Tyler told me he was too old for that and it was stupid. He’s into football now, like his older brother. I didn’t get it. He’s the one who always wants to play superheroes. I got angry and went home. The next day he told a bunch of kids at school what happened, making it sound like I had a tantrum because he wouldn’t play dress-up with me.

He left out the part that he used to play, too.

Everyone’s teasing me now, calling me Wonder Crybaby. Today, my teacher overheard them doing it in class and told my mom. A few kids got in trouble, including Tyler, and now it’s going to get even worse. No one likes a tattletale.

“Mom told me what happened,” says Joy. “Don’t listen to those boys. They’re stupid little terrorists. You’re smarter than them, Huff.”

“No one cares if I’m smart. They think I’m a loser.”

“And someday, you’ll be laughing your butt off when you’re rich and famous. Look at Bill Gates. I bet he was just as little as you once, and now he owns the planet.”

“Don’t call me little.” Even if I am. There are third graders bigger than me. It sucks!

“Huff, open the door,” Joy says sweetly.


“Because you can’t hide in there forever, and I really need to pee.”

“Use the bathroom downstairs.”

“Please?” she asks nicely. “I want to see you’re okay.”

I reluctantly open the door. Joy’s big blue eyes stare down at me. I can’t lie. Her smile always makes me feel better.

“I don’t care what anyone says, Huff.” She brushes her hand over the top of my head. “You’re the strongest boy I know. And it’s not because you go around hurting people. It’s because you don’t. Being a jerk is easy. But being good? That takes a real man. And I know River agrees. She worships the ground you walk on because she sees what I see: a real hero.”

“I miss you, Joy,” I say.

She frowns. “Miss me? I’m right here, stupid.” She points to my heart. “Can’t you feel it?”

“Huff? Huff! Are you okay?” Small hands grip my shoulders and shake me with hard, jerky movements.