This trembling vision where nerves and anticipation had her pressing her heels into my bed.

“I’m more than good, Trent. What I’m feeling right now cannot be defined.”

I’d already taken off my boots while she’d been in the shower, and I jerked through the buttons on my jeans and shrugged out of them, kicked them aside, watched as those wide eyes rounded farther.

A mesmerizing swirl of greens and golds and browns sucking me down. My dick was stone, bobbing at my stomach, begging to get lost in her.

In that moment, every single cell in my body existed for her.

She flicked her attention up to my face and whispered, “You are the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen.”

I crawled over her, pressed her down onto the mattress, and dove for her mouth. My tongue sought possession. I kept my weight on my right hand, and with my left, I reached down to take a handful of her lush ass.

I squeezed, lifting her against my aching cock.

Eden whimpered, dug her nails into my shoulders. “Trent. Oh god. I need this. I need you.”

That sweet mouth dripped with honey. Those words. Those lips.

In a blip, two of us were nothing but passion.




And I was rubbing my cock through her bare lips, her pussy soaked as she rocked against me. Begging for friction. Her thighs squeezed the outside of mine.

We were a blur of darkness and light.

Opposition trying to mesh and meet.

Clashing and yielding.

My teeth nipped at her bottom lip, her jaw, tongue stroking down her neck. “Eden,” I murmured against her pulse point, this girl’s heart thrumming like a song.

Eden’s hands slipped down my back. Her palms were perfect chaos. Her touch sweet tragedy. “You are everything I didn’t know I needed.”

Her words were panted into the thick air. That connection a glimmer in the room. Throbbing. Consuming. Binding us whole.

I burrowed my face under her chin. My confession was pressed to her skin. “And you are everything I will never deserve.”

Something I was taking anyway.

A man on his way to Hell, but I was gonna live in this sanctuary while I had it. Before my life—who I was—inevitably cast me out. A sinner who was going to pretend for a minute he could be right. Protect her. Keep her.

I knelt back between her quivering thighs.

The girl was an ocean on my bed.

Writhing and undulating.

A tide that’d swept me up in her undertow and knocked me from my feet.

I gripped her right knee in my hand like I could hold her steady, keep her from floating away, and I leaned over to grab a condom from the nightstand on the left, never looking away from the girl as I edged back and was quick to cover my dick.

Lust billowed in the space. Our breaths short, the crashing of our hearts jagged.

I slipped my arms under her knees. “Yeah?”

Last ditch plea for this girl to come to her senses and run like she should have done from the beginning…before she got herself permanently tangled with me.

Her hips bucked, her cunt urgent against my cock. “I’m yours.”

I took her in one swift thrust, clutching her by the outside of the thighs as I did, burying myself so deep her body bowed off the bed.

My entire being pitched.

Canted to the side.

“Trent,” she cried on a ragged breath.

“Say it again,” I demanded hard, nearly passing out from how goddamn amazing she felt.

Way her throbbing pussy hugged my cock in a perfect vise.


Wanted to hear her shouting it forever.

She squirmed, struggled to adjust to me. To the feel of me owning that sweet, tight body.

“Heaven.” The praise rumbled up my raw throat, and I clutched her legs tighter as I pulled out to the tip and gave her another deep, deep dive of my dick.

She arched, only her shoulders touching the bed, though one of her hands was reaching for me. “I need you.”

A fissure.

A crack.

A cavern running right down the middle of who I had been.

A crumbling of all restraint.

Of all loyalty.

Of what I knew.

A pile of rubble laid at her feet.

Because I shifted, angled forward, and planted both hands on either side of her head.

And I stared down on the girl. Her hair was all around and that look was on her face. I leaned down enough that I could brush my lips across hers. “You have me.”

It was the goddamn truth.

Moisture filled her eyes, emotion cresting, riding high. I kept one hand pressed to the bed, the other cupping her precious face.

I began to rock.

Slow at first. Measured thrusts as the girl’s mouth parted and her honeyed gasps filled the air.



We moved together.

Our bodies in sync.

A treacherous dance.

Faster. Deeper. More.

Nothing but heaved breaths and desperate hearts that were just learning to beat. And I wondered…wondered if this girl could really beat for me.

She watched me with those eyes the color of fallen leaves. The color of the earth. The color of redemption. She lifted her hand and touched my face. I kissed across her fingertips. “Eden.”