Trent hadn’t fully planned what he was going to say, but as it turned out, he didn’t need to. When it came to his love for Reese, there was no holding back.

Of course, that didn’t mean her parents were going to suddenly embrace him with open arms just because he wanted them to. David pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, taking much longer to answer than Trent was comfortable with, before finally saying, “Trent, you’re a good man. Well respected, a hard worker, and you come from a great family.”

“Thank you.” Trent waited anxiously for the but.

“Everyone is allowed to make mistakes, but where my little girl is concerned, one mistake is enough. I know you probably both made mistakes in your first marriage, and that’s your business. But I’m still her father, and it doesn’t matter how old or independent she is, I’ll always worry about her. It took her years to get over her broken heart, so if you’re going to pursue her again, you’d better be damned good and ready to be the man you promised to be.”

* * *

REESE DECIDED TO quickly stop by her parents’ house to thank her mother for her advice and to see if she could finally talk with her father, as well. She was surprised to see Trent’s car parked out front. As she stepped through the kitchen door and heard him talking, she swallowed the greeting she’d been ready to call out.

“Reese is a caring, talented, intelligent woman with a big heart and a strong will.” Every word Trent spoke was filled with love. “I promise you that I will treat her as the love of my life, because that’s who she is.”

Ohmygod. Reese held her breath. Her pulse quickened with the realization that Trent was speaking with her parents about them. Was this the something he’d said he needed to go take care of?

“I know I didn’t do a good job of being the husband she needed me to be before, and I know how upset both of you were when we divorced. It is something I’ll regret for the rest of my life. All I want to do now is spend the rest of my life loving, protecting, and cherishing her. If she’ll have me. Which I know is still a big if. I will respect her needs and I’ll pay attention to all the unspoken things I missed the first time.” He paused, and Reese fought to hold back tears.

“Trent,” her mother said, “of course we were upset when you divorced. You two were so young before, and you were both changing your lives dramatically. We can also see that you truly are in love with Reese, even after ten years apart. But we’d be lying to you if we said it’s easy for us to see her taking this leap again when there are no guarantees that things between the two of you will work out better this time.”

Tears were slipping down Reese’s cheeks as her father began to speak again.

“We trust Reese,” her father finally continued. “And despite the mistakes you’ve made, we feel that you’re a good man.” A relieved breath whooshed out of Reese, and she had to sink back against the wall as she heard her father tell Trent, “But you’re not kids anymore. Reese is ready for a real life, a real family, with a man who will be there for her when she needs him. Whether there’s office work to be done or not. We trust you, Trent, and we trust our daughter,” her father continued. His words brought fresh tears to Reese’s eyes. “If Reese does end up feeling that you’re the love of her life, we won’t stand in the way of you two being together again. But if you do anything to hurt her again—”

“I won’t, David. And I can assure you that my love for Reese will always drive me to be the man she deserves. But I know it’s not words that will prove that to you. I need to make up for all the wrong I did before with my actions and behavior and to give Reese the wonderful life she deserves. The life together that we both deserve.”

* * *

BUTTERFLIES HAD BEEN nesting in Reese’s stomach ever since she’d snuck back out of her parents’ house, and not just from hearing Trent say all those wonderful, loving things. Her parents had been so careful not to influence her with their opinions about her divorce. Even when she was living with them right after she’d left New York, when the smallest memories would make her cry, her mother would hold her and say things like, Don’t worry, honey. This will all work out. Her mother had given her comfort and support without condemnation, and never once said a bad word about Trent or blamed her for their failed marriage.