She drew back in a panic, her eyes searching the area. Luckily, they were far enough from the booths that no one was giving them a second glance.

“Come on.” He took her hand and they half ran to the car, stopping every few feet to kiss some more.

Trent placed the painting on the roof of the car and pressed his body to hers. Her back hit the cold metal door, making the titillating friction between them even stronger as he slicked his tongue out against hers, claiming her in another passionate kiss.

She was this close to ripping off his shirt when she heard the door unlock. He helped her in, and instead of leaning down to kiss her again, he searched her eyes. Her heart swelled even bigger, knowing that he wouldn’t just take unless she wanted him to. And unless she was ready to give herself to him, too.

“I need you, Trent.” She’d been waiting ten years for this moment and didn’t want to wait another second longer. She pushed him toward the driver’s side door. “Hurry.”

Chapter Fourteen

REESE LOST TRACK of the roads as the sun faded and the headlights of the oncoming cars came on. She lost track of everything but Trent, who had reached for her hand and was squeezing it tightly, like a lifeline. Which seemed fitting, considering that whenever they were together he—they—blocked out the rest of the world without even trying.

She’d expected him to take her home, or to his suite at the resort, but when he pulled over on a narrow dirt road and cut the engine, her pulse quickened. This was who they had always been at their best. Spontaneous. Ravenous for each other. Neither one of them overthinking. Just wanting. Needing.

All of each other.

She scrambled over the console and straddled his hips, sealing her lips over his. Trent held her face, keeping her exactly where he wanted her. She loved the way he deepened the kiss, making her dizzy as he wound his fingers in her hair and angled her head, urging her mouth open wider as he kissed her more forcefully. Reese tore at his shirt, needing to see him, to feel his skin against hers. Their mouths parted just long enough for him to pull her sweater off and then tug his own over his head and toss it on the passenger seat.

He claimed her in another kiss that had her moaning with need as he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. He groaned as he brushed his thumbs over the taut peaks, kissing her again, taking her higher, and higher still, as he fondled and teased her with his hands. And when he lowered his mouth to one peak and licked out over it, she gasped at the pleasure of having his hands and his mouth on her again. She felt feverish. Delirious.

And yet she couldn’t get enough. There was hardly any room to move in the cramped car, but he still managed to slide off her jeans and panties between kisses. One sweet kiss on the sensitive skin at her inner thigh. And then another on her kneecap. And then one at her ankle, before he kissed his way back up her naked skin. She’d never felt so adored, never relished her sensuality the way she did as he finally found her with his mouth. The warm slick of his tongue over her had her crying out and arching against him.

She hadn’t forgotten how good it was to be with him, but even in her memories it hadn’t been this good. Maybe, she thought with the few brain cells she had left, ten years of anticipation had heightened every nerve, every fiber of her being, readying her for his touch in the most incredible way.

So close. She was already so close. But the first time she went over the edge of bliss, she wanted Trent with her. Wanted to be able to feel his heart beating against hers and see his eyes go dark with pleasure.

Her fingers were already threaded through his hair, and now she tugged at him. “Please,” she begged. “I need you. Here. With me.” Thankfully, he didn’t need her to explain any further before he climbed back up her naked body and reclined the seat.

God, how she loved the weight of him, the way he gazed down at her like he wanted to climb beneath her skin. His hard length pressed against her belly, and she gripped his biceps as his mouth claimed hers again.

“Condom?” he asked hastily.

“I’m still on birth control. And it’s been ages since I’ve been with anyone,” she confessed.

“Me, too. And other than with you, I’ve always used protection.”

She didn’t have to think about it, didn’t need them to go into any more separate history. “Love me, Trent. That’s all I want. Just for you to love me.”