Or...perhaps that touch was a warning, a reminder to Chandler to behave?

The thought gave her pause as Quinn and his grandfather had a brief stare down. She imagined years of tension filling the space between them, much like the air shift that occurred when she visited her parents.

Chandler raised an imperious eyebrow in his grandson’s direction. “Quinn.”

“I have an emergency with my company and have to leave the island for a few weeks.” Quinn spoke with certitude and without a hint of defiance, something Shelley had rarely been able to pull off with her parents.

“We’ll soon know where your priorities lie.” Chandler’s eyes skittered over Shelley. “Didi.” He motioned for her to wheel him to his office.

Didi flashed an apologetic smile, then turned Chandler’s wheelchair around and began to push him away.

Quinn’s hands fisted at his sides. “Grandfather.”

Chandler said something to Didi, and she turned the wheelchair around but didn’t advance toward them.

Shelley stiffened at Chandler’s challenging stare, but Quinn reached for Shelley’s hand with cool confidence. “I can only assume that you failed to notice Shelley was here with me. Otherwise I’m sure you would have acknowledged her with a greeting.”

Chandler’s eyes shifted to her, and she was beyond shocked when his lips suddenly curved up in a half smile, softening many of his sharp edges. He nodded slowly, never breaking their connection.

“I do apologize, Ms. Walters. I’m afraid I’m not having one of my better days. But it is a pleasure to see you again.” With a final nod, he said, “Good day,” then gestured for Didi to wheel him away.

Once his door closed, Shelley let out the breath she’d been holding and wrapped her arms around the amazing man beside her. “I love you, Quinn Rockwell.”

She could read the love in his eyes as he gazed down at her even before he said, “I love you, too, Shell. More than you can even imagine.”

But she didn’t need to imagine anything at all, because he’d just proved it to her yet again.

THIRTY MINUTES LATER they were standing inside the small island airport. It was the size of a fast-food restaurant, with one long counter off to the left and a glass-walled room to the right, where passengers waited to board the plane after going through a brief security check.

Standing within the confines of Quinn’s embrace for what would be the last time until he returned in a few long weeks, Shelley was determined not to make their parting any more difficult than it already was. He had been nearly silent since they’d arrived at the airport, and every time he looked at her his eyes became hooded and he rubbed the back of his neck as if a winter chill had settled into his bones.

She had to be strong. She refused to be one of those clingy, weak women who made her man feel guilty for doing what he had to do.

Quinn touched her shoulders, keeping her at arm’s length, his handsome features downturned as if he were readying them both for his departure. Shelley nuzzled against his chest again. She didn’t want space between them. Not yet. Not until they were about to close the airplane doors and she had no other choice. They stood off to the side as passengers filed through the security gate, and somehow it still felt like they were the only two people in the room.

“Shell, before we saw my grandfather you said you were proud of me for not shirking my responsibilities and that it must not be easy to leave the island. The truth is, before meeting you, it was easy to leave the island. You’ve changed everything, and…”

He paused, and she took in the pained look in his beautiful blue eyes. Knowing that he was fighting the same devastation she was tugged even harder at her heart.

“I just want you to know I meant everything I’ve said to you.” His hoarse whisper nearly broke the dam and set her emotions free. “I love you. I’m not leaving you. I’m just fulfilling my obligations and then I’m coming back.” Determination radiated from him as he repeated, “I’m coming back.”

As the last call for passengers on his flight came through, Quinn pulled her in close again, and with one last tender kiss turned to walk through security. He glanced over his shoulder and blew her a kiss as he passed into the room where others were already lining up to board the plane.

Shelley pressed her palm against the glass wall. In three determined steps, his palms met hers through the glass. Quinn mouthed, I love you, then disappeared into the small plane.

Chapter Twenty-seven

THE FLIGHT FROM the island to Boston was less than thirty minutes. Quinn had thought that by the time they touched down, the longing that clutched his chest would have eased and the guilt that lay buried deep inside his heart would have subsided. After all, he’d left his family dozens of times without feeling as though he’d left a piece of himself behind, hadn’t he?