“It kills me that they’d make you feel bad about anything, but playing ball? All kids should learn how to play ball.”

Shelley wasn’t about to let thoughts of her parents ruin her night—or Quinn’s. She forced the memories away and said, “Don’t worry. My children will learn to play ball, get muddy and sticky clamming in the bay, and maybe even have to contend with puppy fur. I’ll do everything I can to help them follow their dreams, find true love, and be happy, because in the end, those are the things that matter.”

Quinn opened his mouth to say something, but they were interrupted by Abby calling them in for dinner. Quinn lagged behind, talking privately with his mother as the rest of them headed for the table.

Shelley wondered what was being said and why Quinn looked so serious again. The two of them hadn’t talked about kids before now, and Shelley was left wondering—was he scared off by the thought? Or did he want children of his own someday, the way she did?

Griffin settled a hand on her shoulder as she helped bring food to the table and said, “Nice arm. We need you on our team next time,” which made her feel warm and fuzzy all over again despite her questions about what had turned Quinn so suddenly pensive.

Quinn kept one hand on Shelley’s leg throughout the meal. She loved that his parents didn’t sit at opposite ends of the table, as many parents would. They sat beside each other on one side of the table with Sierra and Ethan, while she, Quinn, Derek, and Trent sat across from them.

“I’d like to make a toast.” Griffin rose, holding up his wineglass. “To the Rockwell family coming together tonight without a single cell phone interruption!” Griffin winked at Quinn, then turned his attention to Shelley. “And to Shelley moving to the island. May you love it here as much as we do.”

Her heart overflowing, she dug into the delicious dinner. Ethan told her about his fishing business, which he’d started right after college, and Sierra talked about what it had been like to open a restaurant on the island. But it seemed to Shelley that Ethan’s and Sierra’s love of the island was only part of what kept them there. Their love for their family was clearly the overriding factor.

While Derek and Trent talked with Griffin about the resort, Shelley imagined what it would be like to sit at the Rockwells’ dinner table every week, catching up with people who cared.

But she already knew what it would be like: simply amazing.

All of them were so excited about her move, and with Griffin’s lovely toast, Shelley felt like she was already part of the family. She had a pang of longing over the difference between Quinn’s warm and inclusive family and her cold, distant parents. But instead of wallowing in what she didn’t have, she silently reveled in the way it felt to be with the Rockwells.

And, best of all, with the man she loved.

IT HAD BEEN a long time since Quinn had spent such a relaxing and fun evening with his family. While he always enjoyed their time together, he was usually rushing to get back to work, or taking business calls and juggling the two. He was glad Shelley had asked him about his phone before they joined the others, because for the first time in his adult life he’d felt completely untethered and was able to enjoy his family without the distraction of work.

As they drove away from his parents’ house, he thought about what his mother had said when she’d pulled him aside before dinner.

Remember why Eloise walked away from your grandfather’s marriage proposal?

He’d heard the story enough times to remember it clearly. Chandler had always been a workaholic, even as a young man, and Eloise had refused to play second fiddle to any man’s business.

His mother had gently reminded him how much Quinn had hated seeing Grandma Caroline treated like she was third best to both Chandler’s workload and Eloise, the woman who had turned down his grandfather’s proposal. But it was what his mother added next that had his gut twisting into knots.

Work isn’t everything, honey. You’ve made it, and we’re all very proud of you. Maybe now it’s time to let your heart have a turn at living.

And even though he’d been worried that he was too much like his grandfather, wasn’t it true that his parents had been the ones who’d taught him how to love—not Chandler? He could definitely make this work. It might not be easy to balance all the different parts of his life, but he’d never backed down from a challenge and he wouldn’t back down now.

Especially not when a future with Shelley was on the line.

“Thank you for taking me home with you tonight.”