
Shelley could feel her cheeks flush at the lovely comment. Even lovelier because it had come from Quinn’s mother, who would only want the very best for her children.

Abby turned as Griffin draped an arm over her shoulder and kissed her cheek, magnifying another difference between her parents and Quinn’s. Shelley’s parents’ idea of open affection was air kissing each other’s cheeks.

“Shelley,” Griff said, “we’re all so glad you could join us tonight.”

“Thank you. You have a lovely home”—Quinn’s laughter at something his brothers were saying on the other side of the patio turned her head—“with a spectacular view.”

Sierra chuckled. “I know you think Quinn is the best view on the island, but this one is way better.” She pointed behind them to the bay.

Shelley laughed to try to hide her embarrassment. “I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay if you did.” Griff leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Quinn’s a good-looking guy. He gets it from his old man.”

“Yes, he does. Now, leave the poor girl alone before you make her blush.” Abby dragged Griff away.

“Are you uncomfortable yet?” Sierra teased.

“Oh my gosh.” Shelley lowered her voice and said, “You and your parents just caught me drooling over your brother.”

Sierra shrugged. “We didn’t mean to embarrass you. Especially since we’re all really excited that Quinn brought you along. My dad was just telling me how he’d never seen Quinn look happier than he’s been this past week.”

“Really? I mean, he seems happy, and I know how happy I am.”

“Really,” Sierra said. “Look at him.”

Quinn stood between Trent and Ethan, across from Derek. The others were intent on hearing whatever Derek was saying, but Quinn’s attention was locked on Shelley. The heat and adoration in his eyes were both impossible to miss.

To her he stood out from his brothers. Though they were all tall and broad, none of the others made her insides flutter like Quinn did. Even the look he gave her now was as caring and thoughtful as it was longing and possessive.

“I better take you over there or he might pounce.” Sierra guided her across the lawn while Shelley secretly thought just how much she loved it whenever Quinn did pounce.

“There’s my girl.” Quinn tucked Shelley beneath his arm, and her stomach did that fluttery thing again.

My girl. She loved that.

“Derek, this is Shelley.”

“It’s great to meet you.” Derek’s voice was as deep as Quinn’s, but he had the look of a troublemaker about him. Shelley liked Derek instantly for that alone.

“You’re the custom builder and stonemason, right? Quinn said you made this gorgeous patio.” He had filled her in on each of his siblings on the way over.

Derek flashed a crooked smile. “Yup, that’s me. The stone guy.” Without missing a beat, he said, “I hear you’re interested in the gristmill.”

Word really did travel fast, at least between the Rockwells. “It would be perfect for my café. If I’m lucky enough to get the property, I want to keep its rustic charm. I’m thinking about lowering the height of the bushes out front so customers can sit on the deck and enjoy the view of the town—and the bay, of course.” She simply couldn’t temper her enthusiasm, even if she knew she was rambling. “The brook is just so beautiful that Quinn and I thought it would be nice to put a patio out back. Derek, if I get the property, would you consider designing and building a stone patio?”

“See?” Sierra said before Derek could respond. “Shelley is the perfect café owner for the island. She already loves it as much as I do, and she’s been here less than a week.”

“I’d be happy to consider the stonework,” Derek said. “As long as it’s done within the next year.”

Sierra groaned. “Derek’s planning on hightailing it out of here just as soon as his one-year contract is up with the resort. But my money’s on him staying on the island. I’ve seen how he looks at Chandler’s nurse.”

“I’m not saying she’s not gorgeous,” he said, “but my biggest question right now is whether she’s qualified to take out my latest round of stitches so that I can skip a trip to the island’s clinic.”

Quinn pulled Shelley against him. “Derek is the adventurer in the family. An adventurer who is always getting hurt. Although,” he added with a sly look at his brother, “I’m not buying that your stitches are the reason you couldn’t stop looking at her the other day...or that she couldn’t stop looking right back.”

“Are you talking about Didi, your grandfather’s nurse?” Shelley asked.

“That’s her,” Ethan confirmed as he reached down to pet Chugger. “Now that I think about it, since she’s gorgeous and has a thing for Chugger, maybe I should ask her out.”

Derek gave him a shove. “Stitches outplay dogs.” But for all his playfulness, there was a hint of possession in both his words and in his expression.