“It’s okay. I probably would have put it off for weeks. You just tore the Band-Aid off all at once, most likely saving me weeks of stressing over doing it.”

“I hate that your mother can make you feel so bad,” Taryn said, “but then again, we both know my mother went to the same school of snooty behavior as yours. And just so I know if I need to keep my mouth shut again, have you told Casey yet? Is she okay continuing to manage your coffee shop for another two weeks and then closing up shop when you move the business to Rockwell Island?”

“I’m actually going to call her next. It’ll take a little while to get the shop set up here, so she’ll have some time to get used to the idea and find another job. Who knows? Maybe she’ll want to come to the island, too.”

“Especially if you can find her a hot guy to fall for. How is Mr. Sexy, by the way?”

A dreamy sigh escaped before Shelley could stop it.

“Did you just do one of those swoony sighs that we always make fun of?”

Shelley didn't even feel the least bit bad about it as she said, “I sure did.”

“Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”

“I know it seems crazy, Taryn, but...I love him. So much. From the tippy top of my head to the ends of my toes. I love the way he looks at me. I love the way he kisses me. I love the passion he has for his work. I love the careful way he makes decisions. His family is here and I really like them, too. Everything just feels so right.”

“Wow.” Taryn was silent for a long moment. “I’ve never heard you say any of those things about anyone.”

“I know it hit fast, but now I think that must be what true love does. Just hits you from out of the blue and leaves you breathless.”

“I don’t know if true love will ever come my way, but breathless sounds pretty fun,” Taryn said, a hint of longing in her voice. “How many brothers did you say he has?”

“Three, all gorgeous, of course, and lots of cousins, too.”

“Well, hopefully you two will leave a little of that Rockwell love magic for the rest of us.”

Right then Shelley felt so happy that she was not only positive there was more than enough love for everyone...she was also sure that magic was exactly the right word for it.

Chapter Twenty-three

WHEN SHELLEY AND Quinn arrived at his parents’ house for dinner that night, his cell phone dinged with an incoming text and he immediately reached into his pocket for it.

“Do you ever take a break from answering your phone?” She knew this might be a touchy subject, but she really did wonder if he ever took a complete mental break from it all.

His brows knitted together as he paused with his hand still in his pocket. “Not usually, no.” He turned to look her in the eye. “Do you even have a phone with you?”

She smiled as she repeated his answer. “Not usually, no.”

He was laughing as he walked around to Shelley’s door and helped her from the car. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she said before asking, “For what?”

“For reminding me to live my life.” He took her in a kiss that started gentle and sweet, but quickly turned wild and desperate.

“If that’s how you always thank me, maybe I should remind you more often.”

His phone forgotten, at least for the moment, they walked hand in hand up the stone walkway, kissing every few steps. Shelley had expected the Rockwells to live in an opulent mansion overlooking the bay. She was right about the waterfront location, but their modest Cape Cod–style home was nothing like the lavish estate she’d imagined. It was cedar sided, with beautiful gardens in the front and side yards. The house sat up high on a bluff overlooking the water, with woods bordering both sides of a lush green lawn.

“What a wonderful house! I wish my parents’ house was like this one. Growing up, our house always felt like a museum, even from the outside.”

“That sounds just like my grandfather’s wing of the resort,” Quinn told her. “But my parents have never lived like that. When we were growing up, I shared a room with Trent. Derek and Ethan shared a room, and only Sierra had her own room. My brothers and I had bunk beds, because two twin beds took up the whole bedroom. If we ever got too big for our britches and complained about wanting our own space, my mom would point to the backyard and say, Pup tents are really easy to set up. Have at it.”

“I think I like your mom even more now.”