“Hurry,” she whispered as he tore the packet open with his teeth.

Shelley held on to his biceps, her eyes bright with heady anticipation and need. Just like last night, he had to link their hands, had to hold her close and watch her expression of bliss as he moved inside of her, one slow, hard inch at a time.

Her head fell back and her hips arched as they found their rhythm. Her hips rose to meet his again and again in a heated dance of desire. Desire and deep emotion that pounded through him with every beat of his heart. Need for Shelley coiled deep inside him, spreading with every sexy moan, every heady breath that escaped her lips. And then a mischievous smile curved her lips as she moved her hips in a circular motion, nearly dragging him over the edge.

“Holy hell, Shelley…”

“You’re not the only one who can torture and tease.”

But when their mouths came together again, their impatient, savage desires took over. He pulled her knee up, holding it beneath his arm as he drove in deeper.

“Oh God...Quinn...”

She was every fantasy he’d ever had rolled into one extraordinary woman. As he reached between them to drive her even wilder, her mouth latched on to his neck, and she sucked just hard enough to blow his mind.

“I’m not going to last.” Heat rippled down his spine. He quickened his pace, chasing his mounting release.

A string of words fell from her mouth, words he wasn’t even sure she knew she was saying. Yes. Please. More. So good. Don’t stop.

But he couldn’t stop if his life depended on it. Tingling sensations stroked down his spine just as she gave a sharp cry of pleasure, then gasped out his name, her hips bucking off the mattress. She clawed at his back as he spiraled into his own intense release.

Quinn had never felt as in sync with anyone as he was with Shelley. And as they lay with their bodies intertwined, their hearts going a little crazy in the aftermath of their lovemaking, he knew he was right where he belonged.

SHELLEY COULDN’T STOP looking at the tall, dark, intense man standing on the porch of the cottage she hoped to rent.

Last night had changed everything. The closeness she felt to him in every kiss, every caress, had deepened after he’d admitted that he was falling for her. And then this morning he’d loved her fast and hard, like he couldn’t resist, as if she might run away, even though he was the one who would be leaving soon.

Quinn turned, catching her midstare. With a smile, he came through the glass doors, folded her into his arms, and lowered his mouth to hers, obviously not caring that the Realtor was standing a few feet away in the kitchen.

She loved his kisses and the way they filled her with not only such need, but also such a warm sensation of completeness. Even though she knew he was leaving soon, she could so easily imagine him walking through the door of this cottage at the end of a long workday and taking her in his arms. They would fall into bed together every night and then wake with their bodies tangled together every morning. If he were here, they would watch the waves roll in from the deck in the summer and share a mug of hot cider while watching the snow falling in the winter.

“My mom is having a family dinner Wednesday night. Will you come with me?”

“You want me to come to dinner at your parents’ house?” She knew they’d already talked about dating exclusively, but formally meeting his parents was a big deal—and that also meant that he planned to stay at least through Wednesday, which delighted her to no end.

“I’m going to be gone a lot, Shell. And I’ll feel better knowing you’ve got people who really know and care about you here on the island.”

People who care. She’d spent so many years feeling as though the only people who cared were her aunt and Taryn, and since her aunt passed away, there was only Taryn.

“You’ve already met most of my family,” he continued, “but dinner would be a great way for you to get to know everyone better.”

“You don’t have to convince me. I’d love to come.”

“My mom will be thrilled.” He took her hand and turned to look at the cottage again. “So, what do you think of the cottage? Still want to rent it?”

“I knew before I ever walked inside that it was right for me. But now that I’ve been inside?” She gave a little happy sigh as she took in the details of the beautiful, cozy cottage. “It’s perfect. And it even comes furnished.”

It smelled of fresh paint, which explained why the furniture was draped with tarps. The hardwood floors were scuffed and marred, which gave the cottage character. Shelley was toying with making the first-floor bedroom into an office. Across from the living room was an open kitchen, and between the kitchen and bedroom were the stairs leading up to the master bedroom.