“If you want to be here, Shell, you should rent it. Besides, my business is busier than ever, so I’m in pretty much the same position I was before with it.”

Namely, she thought, that he was rarely on the island long enough to be able to enjoy the cute cottage. Reality came back with the weight of a dark cloud, and her perfect morning suddenly felt just a little less perfect with the realization that even if she did decide to fully trust him with her heart, he was going to be heading back to Annapolis soon. Even the chocolate melting on her tongue didn’t taste quite as good anymore.

She tried to distract herself from the way her stomach dipped at the idea of him leaving. “How are things going with your grandfather and his plans for the resort? Have you had any resolution?”

“We’re still waiting. My grandfather will likely take his sweet time and give us his answer when he’s good and ready and not a second before. He gave us his demands and then we gave him back ours. I know that sounds harsh for family, but...” He didn’t look particularly happy as he said, “But, unfortunately, that’s the way it’s always been with him.”

She wondered again about Chandler’s intentions. Why would anyone want to drive a wedge between themselves and their family? Then again, she thought with a little inward sigh, her parents did it every time they spoke, didn’t they?

Still, she couldn’t help but try to find a silver lining somewhere in the hopes that she could bring the smile back to Quinn’s face. “Do you think there’s any way that your grandfather has better, or different, intentions than it seems on the surface?”

“I overheard something that got me thinking that maybe there could be more layers to the situation than the rest of us think. But, honestly, that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part. Everything is about control to him. Always has been. And probably always will.” He cupped her cheek and brushed it with his thumb. “But I don’t really want to talk about the resort or my grandfather, if you don’t mind. I’d rather hear about where you are with your big plans to change your life.”

“They are pretty big, aren’t they?”

“Huge,” he agreed, “but you’re not the least bit afraid, are you?”

“Not of the idea of starting a new business or moving to a new place.” She followed the seam of his jeans with her index finger, thinking over his question. Shelley was comfortable talking about things she loved, but she wasn’t accustomed to talking about things that frightened her to anyone but Taryn. No man she’d dated had ever cared enough to ask. “But that doesn’t mean other things don’t scare me.”

“Like what?”

She shrugged, buying time and debating whether she should open up to him in that way. She felt like she was teetering on the edge of either falling all the way in with Quinn…or backing off from that huge risk.

Clearly able to sense her hesitation, he laced his fingers with hers and pressed another soft kiss to her lips. “I don’t mean to push you too far, or faster than you’re ready to go, Shell.” It warmed her to hear the same sweet nickname he’d called her last night when he was giving her more pleasure than she’d ever known before. “I just want to be closer to you, to get to know you better. I’ve never wanted that with anyone before, but I can’t help wanting to know everything about you.”

The sincerity in his voice, and in every wonderful thing he’d said and done since he’d apologized to her on the boat the previous morning, sent her tipping straight toward him and had the truth falling from her lips. “I want that, too, Quinn.” She paused as the step she was taking sank in. Sharing secrets. It was a big, trusting step. One that she realized felt completely right.

“I’m not afraid of normal things, like bad guys or sharks.”

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” he said with a smile. “Want me to take a guess?”

“Sure.” She tried to imagine what he’d say, but he’d surprised her so many times already, she knew whatever she guessed would be wrong.

“I think you’re afraid of being cast aside, like you don’t matter.”

Her chest tightened. “How do you…?”

He touched his forehead to hers. “Just from the little things you’ve said, it sounds like your parents didn’t know how lucky they were to have you as their daughter.”

She didn’t even try to speak. She knew no words could fit past the thickening in her throat. She gazed out over the water to try to deal with how strongly his incredibly sweet—and on-point—words had affected her. Had anyone ever seen into her heart this clearly?