“But I’m leaving soon.”

She was obviously as desperate to be closer to him as he was to her, making this an even more difficult—and even more right—decision. But what he felt for her was too big, too real, separating tonight from every sexual experience he’d ever had. He reluctantly sat up, gathered her in his arms, and gave her the truth.

“I know. Trust me. I’ve got the date you’re leaving ingrained in my mind. I’m leaving, too, possibly sooner.” The light in her eyes dimmed, and he had to pull her closer again. “That’s why I want you to be sure. I don’t want you to regret being close to me.”

“I thought guys loved no-strings-attached flings.”

“We usually do, but this…you and me. Do we feel like a fling to you?” He felt like he was already in too deep to turn away.

“No,” she whispered. “Maybe it started out that way. Maybe we were both just wanting to have some fun together. But today, tonight, it feels bigger to me, too.”

“I’m glad,” he said, showing her just how much it meant to him with a kiss that went deep again. But knowing he needed to take her home before he went back on his promise to give her more time to be absolutely sure, he made himself draw back and reach for their clothes. “Are you free tomorrow night around seven?”

“Like I said, I’m not a big planner when I’m on vacation.” She smiled and asked, “What did you have in mind?”

“I’d love to watch the fireworks with you at the cove. And then we can see how you feel about everything tomorrow night.”

The fireworks were a big event on the island, and Quinn knew his family and the whole town would turn out to watch them at the resort. But he and Shelley would have privacy at the cove.

“I love fireworks,” she said just above a whisper. “I even have the perfect dress already.”

He pressed her hand to his lips, knowing that if he took her mouth again he wouldn't be able to stop. “Good, then it’s a date.”

As they sailed back to the dock, Quinn knew he was putting himself in a difficult spot by committing to meet Shelley when he had been putting off his work for so long already—but right now he just didn’t care.

Shelley’s bright light filled all the empty spots he hadn’t known he had. She made him feel something beyond stress and irritation and made him see a world beyond the walls of his office—a world filled with vibrant colors, unbridled laughter, and boundless pleasure.

And only a total fool would miss one single second of the time an amazing woman like Shelley was willing to give to him.

Chapter Fourteen

SHELLEY LAY IN bed early the next morning replaying her date with Quinn over and over in her mind. Being intimate with him had felt so unbelievably good, so natural, so right. And yet, when he’d stopped them from going further, despite the fact that she’d been ready to tear his clothes off, she’d felt herself falling even deeper for him.

She could only imagine how difficult it was for him to stop short of making love to her, but the more she thought about it, the more she was glad that he had. Because things between them felt real to her, too. Real and wonderful. And not just because he’d known exactly how to kiss her to make her gasp with pleasure, exactly where to touch her to make her sizzle with heat.

Being with Quinn last night had been even more wonderful than she’d expected because he had obviously sensed that a part of her was still wary. It meant a great deal to her that he instinctively understood that until she could fully trust him not to hurt her again, she would need to be careful with both her heart and her body.

She couldn’t stop smiling as she hugged her pillow to her chest and replayed his thrilling words: This feels real between us. More real than anything I’ve ever felt, and I don’t want to mess that up. I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and regret being with me. I hurt you once. I can’t risk doing that again.

And the honest truth was that his pulling back last night before they made love on his boat truly did help her get closer to fully trusting in him again.

A tapping sound on her window caught her attention. The pillow fell out of her arms as she jolted toward the sound. When it rang out again, she gathered the blanket around her and bolted upright.


“Quinn?” She jumped from the bed in the silk pajama top she’d put on after her bath and pulled the curtains to the side.

His baby blues smiled up at her. “Morning, sunshine. I haven’t watched a sunrise on the island since I was a kid. Care to join me?” He held up a small brown bag and two to-go cups. Over his shoulder was a thick blue throw blanket.