One powerful arm swept behind her, holding her close as his other slipped beneath her sweater to stroke the bare skin beneath it at her waist. With his mouth, he captured her gasp of pleasure at the way his touch turned her inside out, and when she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, he groaned again with appreciation. The guttural sound brought her hands beneath his shirt and over his gloriously hard muscles.

“Shell,” he said in a heated whisper before taking her in another mind-blowing kiss. He’d never before called her Shell, but it felt right. Made her feel even more special.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, questions about whether or not she could actually handle a fling remained. But when Quinn nuzzled in against her hair to take her earlobe between his teeth and shivers of desire racked her head to toe, all of her worries and fears blew away on the night breeze.

Raining kisses over her cheeks and lips, he found her other earlobe, and though she should have been prepared this time, she felt as if fireworks were lighting off inside of her. One gorgeous explosion of color and light after another.

Nothing in her life had prepared her for kisses like these, for wild and sweet, for rough and soft, for bliss that rode through every inch of her, head to toe, all from the touch of his lips against her skin.

Then again, how could she have ever been prepared for Quinn? For her solo honeymoon tumbling upside down until she was here on a boat in the moonlight wrapped all around a gorgeous island man whose smile made her heart swell with happiness, whose hand over hers filled her with such warmth, and whose kisses were pure electricity.

More. She wanted more!

But instead of moving faster, instead of reaching for her clothes to strip them away, instead of dragging her hips even closer to his the way she wanted them, he drew back to look into her eyes again. In his gaze she could read his questions—he was afraid of pushing her too fast, too hard. Her heart clenched at the realization that he truly didn’t want to hurt her again. Not in any way. Which meant that despite the desire she could feel vibrating through every inch of him, he was waiting for her to give him a signal that she was one hundred percent okay with what they were doing.

She did it first with a kiss and then by saying, “Touch me, Quinn. Taste me.” And then she held his gaze and let him see everything she was feeling as she whispered, “Take me.”

QUINN WAS LOST in sensations. The feel of Shelley’s soft, supple body beneath him. The hungry way she devoured his kisses and kissed him right back. The sound of her voice—God, he loved her sexy, heady whispers.

He wanted Shelley so badly that he could hardly remember how to breathe, could barely think straight when he was with her. All he could do was want and then want more, and more again. With every kiss he gave her. With every sweet little sound she made as their tongues slicked against each other. With the way his heart swelled when their hands slid together, their fingers linking as they held each other tight.

He couldn’t get enough of her, but instead of stripping away her clothes the way he was dying to, he forced himself to draw back and search her eyes one more time to make absolutely sure she wanted this as much as he did.

“Quinn.” He loved the way she said his name, in a voice that was heavy with need even as her lips curved up at the corners. There was so much warmth in her eyes as she looked at him, more than just passion—a deeper emotion stirring in their green depths—as she pushed at his shirt. “I want to feel you against me, skin to skin.”

It was the warmth, the emotion, and her smile that told him it was okay to move forward into even deeper pleasure. “I want it, too, Shell. More than I’ve ever wanted anything else.”

He reached behind him and pulled his shirt over his head in one swift move, and when he looked back, her eyes were wide.

“You’re—” She swallowed hard as she reached out and pressed her hands to his chest. “You’re amazing.”

He could feel his heart beating hard and fast for her, harder and faster with every rapt stroke of her hands over his chest. It was heaven—and hell, too, on his self-control—watching her eyes, her face, as she touched him, driving him crazier, making him hungrier for her by the second.

When he couldn’t take it anymore, he took her hands in his and lifted them to his lips, pressing kisses to every fingertip and then to the soft skin of her palms. “Now you, Shell. I need to see you, need to touch every inch of you, need to kiss you all over.”