Diamond mines?

Wait a minute. Is Shelley one of those Walters?

Walters Enterprises was the most notable of the diamond empires, and if she was related to them, then all of Shelley’s aversions to money and overworking all suddenly made perfect sense. Clarence Walters was a starch conservative. He was in all of the high-society pages, but Quinn didn’t recall ever reading about his daughter.

Quinn remembered what she’d said about working through college and using the money she'd saved to buy her house. Just as he’d left the island to avoid the family business and strike out in search of bigger, better things, she’d struck out on her own.

Their similarities ran much deeper than he could have ever imagined.

“I think it would be fun to learn to skip rocks,” she said. “To paint something that doesn’t look like it was made by a five-year-old. To sing with a choir even though I can barely hold a tune. And I would love to spend the night in a tree house. A real tree house, not one of those mini-mansions people sometimes build in their backyards. It’s been my dream ever since I was a little girl.”

As Quinn listened, he realized that Shelley took nothing for granted, not even the simplest things. He felt as if he were getting a glimpse inside her heart.

When she caught him looking at her, renewed guilt from last night settled on his shoulders. How many times had she been cast aside by her parents as they worked?

Never again, Shelley, he silently promised her. Never again.

He’d been right last night when he’d thought Shelley deserved a better man than him—but he’d been wrong to consider, for even five seconds, walking away. He would become that better man, damn it.

For both of them.

During the rest of the sail, George and Georgette happily told them stories of their youth and shared the joy they took in their grandchildren. Shelley didn’t offer any more insight into her family, but Quinn already felt like he knew her a thousand times better than he had before they’d set sail.

Back at the dock, Georgette asked Quinn to take their picture, which he was more than happy to do. Then Quinn took out his phone and asked her to take one of him and Shelley.

“Why don’t you put your arm around Shelley and pull her in real close so I can fit you both in the picture,” Georgette suggested.

Quinn was sure Shelley knew what Georgette was up to, but she smiled up at him as she wrapped one arm around his waist and settled the other on his stomach. Desire ripped through him at the same instant that he felt her breath go, her eyes widening as she looked into his. So beautiful, Shelley. You're so damn beautiful and sweet. Her skin flushed as if she could read his mind.

Georgette took several pictures of them before she and George went on their way, leaving Quinn and Shelley alone.

He reached for Shelley’s hand as he helped her off the boat, and didn't let go of it as he said, “I’m really glad you came out for a sail with me today.”

“I am, too.” She looked down at their linked hands, then back up into his eyes. “It was fun, Quinn. Really fun.”

“I was thinking of taking one of my boats out tonight. Would you like to come with me? I promise I won’t take any work calls.”

“It’s a leftover hurt from my childhood. I thought I was over it, but now I know I’m not, because it still really stings.”

With his free hand, he brushed her hair from her shoulder and cupped the back of her neck. “You shouldn’t need to be over it. I screwed up in a major way, and you’re right to be upset with me. But I’m going to try my damnedest to never do anything that stings again. At least,” he added as he drew her closer, “not in a bad way.”

He wanted so badly to kiss her, but he didn’t know if he’d earned back that right yet. “Can I kiss you again, Shelley?”

She looked surprised by his question for a moment, but that expression quickly shifted into a smile that told him she was glad he’d asked if he could kiss her instead of simply assuming that she was ready to resume things from where they’d left off last night before he’d blown it.

Instead of answering him with words, she went onto her toes and pressed her lips to his in a sensual kiss that sent need rushing through him. A kiss that he wished could have gone on forever.

But knowing he hadn’t earned forever yet, he made himself draw back and ask again, “Will you come sailing with me again tonight?”

“Yes,” she finally said. “I’d love to.”

Chapter Twelve

BILLY’S BY THE Bay was a small seafood café located a few miles away from the resort. Shelley and Sierra had just ordered iced tea and salads on the patio beneath a vibrant red umbrella, but Shelley’s mind was still tangled in thoughts of Quinn and the magnificent kiss they’d shared on the sailboat after the lesson. They’d agreed to meet later that evening for a moonlit boat ride, and even though she was still more than a little wary of being hurt again, she also couldn’t deny that she was excited to see him again.