“Listen,” Griffin said, “you kids don’t need to do this. I’ll figure out a way to get past his crazy plan so the island and the residents aren’t in jeopardy. I’d never let the people here down. The last thing I want is to see the island where we all grew up turn into a haven for big business.”

As Chandler’s only son, Griffin had always been expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and run the resort. Only there was no stepping into Chandler’s shoes. Not when he kept his fingers in every nook and cranny of the business, often upsetting negotiations and disgruntling employees and distributors. Everyone, except maybe Chandler, knew that Griffin worked behind the scenes like an undercover superhero smoothing over relationships and keeping the employees happy. If it weren’t for Griff, the resort would have lost its loyal staff long ago.

But Griffin Rockwell had never sugarcoated his father’s harsh antics where his children were concerned. Not when they’d see right through any veil of protection he tried to extend. Quinn and his siblings knew that their father had lived a life he’d never wish on them. That was why he and their mother had supported—and encouraged—each of their children to move away from the island, and more important, to create their own successful paths. Sierra and Ethan, however, had always felt such a strong kinship to the island that they had returned right after college.

Quinn knew his father meant everything he said. He’d take one for the family, as he’d been doing for years. But Quinn didn’t like the idea of it. Not one bit.

“Dad, we aren’t going to leave you in a lurch. Hell, I still can’t understand how you’ve put up with Chandler for so long.”

“And I can’t believe he’s doing this,” Sierra said, her jaw clenched so tight that Quinn thought she might crack her teeth. “Not just to you guys, but to me and Dad, too. I’m the only one who goes out of my way to be nice to him, and he completely cuts me out of everything? Especially after having the gall to tell me that my restaurant is a cute hobby? As if it’s just a holdover until I get married, or like it would be more meaningful if I were a man.”

Trent draped an arm over Sierra’s shoulder. “One thing is for sure—if we even entertain this situation, we’re not doing it unless all five of us are part of it.”

“Agreed,” Quinn said as his other brothers nodded, as well. “Dad, we’re not going to let you take the heat alone anymore. You’ve held down the fort and sheltered us from his wrath long enough. You and Mom are the reasons each of us got out from under his thumb in the first place. As much as I don’t like being forced into anything, it’s our turn to shoulder the burden of Grandfather and the resort. We’ll figure out a way to manage our businesses while working here.”

“All or nothing, though,” Trent said. “Five of us or none of us.”

Ethan nodded. “I’m in.”

Sierra sat up a little taller. “I’m all in, too, but I’m not giving up my restaurant.”

“Don’t worry, sis. We’re not going to give up any of our businesses,” Quinn assured her. “We’re five savvy businesspeople. We can do this, and I’m sure all of us don’t have to live here to make it happen. He’s going to have to forget the part about living on the island ninety-five percent of the time. At least for me.”

“All or nothing,” Derek finally relented. “But it’s for Dad and the residents, not for Grandfather.” Their father held his hand up, silencing them all. Their mother placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Griff?”

Their father had such a friendly face that even when under duress he possessed underlying warmth. The warmth showed now in his dark eyes as they traveled slowly over each of his children’s faces, his love for each of them as clear as could be. Setting a softer gaze on their mother, he took her hand. Silent, effortless communication passed between them, speaking volumes of the strong relationship Quinn had always admired.

“What you are all trying to do is admirable,” their father finally said, “but I won’t let you take the brunt of my father’s overbearing plan.”

But Quinn had watched his father take enough heat from Chandler. More than enough. So even though he wasn’t keen on any part of their grandfather’s plan, he wasn’t about to let his father continue handling this alone. At the same time, he also knew that demanding wouldn’t get them very far. That was Chandler’s way, not his father’s.

“Dad,” Quinn said, “let us do this for you.”

“There comes a time for power in numbers,” Trent agreed. “It’s time to finally take Grandfather’s power away and lay down some ground rules. It’s only a year. We can figure this out.”