He clasped the back of her head and stared meaningfully into her eyes. “Every night from now on I want you sleeping in my arms.”

“I’m not complaining.”

He adjusted her against him so that he was embracing her from behind and his hands were splayed on her stomach. He spoke close to her temple. “If he’s a boy, we’ll name him after our fathers. Jonathan David Gage. And a girl...you’ll drive me crazy if you give me a girl.”

“You’re the one giving it to me,” she laughingly answered, and he turned her face by the chin and brushed her freckles with his lips.

“Always so contrary, my Kate.”

“Garrett? Pinch me.” He pinched her bottom, and she squealed.

He chuckled, clearly liking it. “Ask me to pinch you again.”

“One’s enough. I’m convinced I’m not dreaming now.”

“You have a lovely bottom. If you let me pinch it again, I’ll kiss it afterward.”

She laughed. Feeling little tingles in her body, she nodded, and she felt the pinch that made her squeak, and then she felt his kiss, with tongue. It made her moan softly and cuddle back to him, wondering when she could have him again.

“Convinced it’s no dream?” he murmured, brushing her hair behind her forehead.

With a smile that almost hurt, she turned over and pressed her face into his chest and stroked her fingers absently across his nipples, growing thoughtful. “Now what was it you were saying about a half brother?”

“You’ll meet him soon,” he told her. “He looks like me, actually.”

“Wow, that good?”

He laughed. “Don’t even think about staring for a moment longer than necessary.”

“Why would I when I have you?” She tucked her head under his chin. “Why didn’t we know about him?”

“Mother didn’t want to know about him. But I think it’s time we set the past behind us, don’t you, Kate?”

“Yes, Garrett. I agree wholeheartedly.”


Sitting on her front stoop, Kate spotted Garrett’s si

lver Audi turning around the corner and her smile widened. As soon as the car came to a stop, she started for the passenger door.

He couldn’t even get out, she got in so fast. “Hey,” she said.

His car smelled of him, of leather and spices, deliciously male, and it almost made her dizzy.

“Hey.” He reached out and squeezed her hand, bending over and kissing her lips softly. “You look good.”

She smiled. “So do you.”

Once they arrived at the clinic, Kate filled out the paperwork while Garrett sat, enormous in the little chair out in the waiting room, pulling and pulling at his tie. There were pictures of babies and pregnant women hanging on the walls, but he only had eyes for Kate as she walked back toward him.

Soon, they were led inside to the ultrasound room.

Kate was lying down patiently as the doctor came inside, greeted them and pulled up her robe. After the doctor smeared a cold gel on her stomach, a little blob appeared on the screen.

Garrett had been standing back, but now he approached, his eyes on the screen.

“There we go,” Dr. Lowry said.