Looking past Beth, Molly spotted Landon, another gorgeous Gage specimen. He kept glancing in their direction as he addressed Julian, and although Landon was not a man easily perturbed, even he appeared slightly confused as he spoke to his youngest brother this evening. Garrett joined them within seconds, and Molly could just sigh at the sight of his broad back. She could imagine their next kiss and already knew it would be as hot as the first….

With a wistful smile, she watched the three men, all of whom she adored. The chandelier lights caught on Julian’s streaked golden hair, which sharply contrasted with both of his older brothers’ dark coloring, and she melted with tenderness for him. Just to think Julian might be taking crap from his brothers because he was supposedly dating her

only endeared him to her more. Would Garrett do something like this for her?

While Julian lounged around effortlessly, seemingly careless to everything they said, Garrett stood sterner, more tense and, hopefully, already jealous. Landon, however, had never looked so utterly relaxed. Like a man completely satisfied with the state of his life and thoroughly in love, as was evident from the frequent looks he stole in Beth’s direction.

“Landon said he always knew this would happen,” Bethany offered in a private whisper, oblivious to her husband’s attention across the room as she leaned closer to Molly. “When our plane landed, he called his office and heard about you two from Garrett. He wasn’t even surprised about it. He said it was inevitable.”

“He did?”

It was a shock to Molly.

Because who on earth would ever think Julian and Molly could be more than friends?

It was ridiculous. Molly didn’t even like to date. And Julian was a playboy.

Plus, the Gage family still viewed her as a child, except for Garrett, who seemed to be the only one who’d realized she was now a full-grown woman. A kissable grown woman.

Still reeling at the idea, she looked back at the group of men, intending to admire Garrett from afar and remind herself why she was so in love with him, but her gaze snagged on Julian as he calmly explained something to his brothers.

Already having disposed of both his black jacket and his silver tie, Jules exuded powerful masculinity and self-assurance as he stood there, the cuffs of his shirt rolled up to his elbows to expose his tanned, thick forearms. His stance was so wide and confident, it seemed to say, Yeah, baby, I own me, I own this and I own you.

Before Molly could force her gaze back to the man she loved, Julian seemed to sense her scrutiny, for suddenly, his head turned. The smile he wore gradually vanished. With the glittering lights overhead, his eyes, those eyes that changed from gray-green to gold-green in a moment, right now looked as green as Colombian emeralds. And they blazed at her from across the room—almost proprietarily, as if he also thought he owned the little black dress she wore and the pair of black panties underneath.

Molly! You did not just think of your panties!

Mortified, she jerked her gaze away, her stomach clenching, and then she had to look back at Julian. Because…surely she had hallucinated that he was giving her the Wolf vs. Red Riding Hood stare?

He said something to Garrett and started in her direction, and before Molly could understand why her insides spun in turmoil, she realized he must be putting on a show. A show so that Garrett could see that she was desirable to him. And he would get terribly jealous and feel forced to tear them apart and stake his claim on Molly once and for all.

Yes, of course. It was all part of the plan. And it was brilliant.

But as Julian walked toward her with that slow tiger prowl-walk and his stare held her captive, her legs liquefied. She hadn’t felt this desirable since the night Garrett had kissed her. The way he stared at her made her feel…wanted. Womanly. So, so, womanly.

Wow, this guy was so good at this.

And he was hot.

And tonight, everyone in this room thought he was hers.

“Get over here and dance with me,” he prodded as he reached for her with a strong, long-fingered hand.

Molly grinned. “There’s no dance floor, you dope.”

“Come on, Mo-Mo. There’s music and that’s all we need.”

She smiled and took his hand, and a surprising bolt of electricity shot through her as he clasped her fingers. He spun her into his arms and yanked her effortlessly against him, almost dizzying her with his strength.

She swallowed a small curse, unprepared to feel his powerful body aligning so perfectly with hers. And suddenly Julian had erased all the distance between them. And Molly had seen him in his briefs. And he was so close.

His body warmth enveloped her, causing her muscles to relax while at the same time an odd hyperawareness built inside her midsection. It…disconcerted her.

“You’re so good at this, it’s almost annoying,” she told him with a smile.

And she hardly believed how good he was as she wrapped her arms around his strong nape, trying not to think of how utterly helpless she would feel if Julian was to turn on the charm with her like he did with all of his flings. Not that it would ever happen, or even that it would work. Because there could only be one man for her, and he’d better be watching them.

“Is Garrett looking?” she whispered, desperate to get this fake-lover charade over with. It was becoming dangerous…playing house with Julian. It was too fun and too easy. “Is he looking this way, Jules?”