Page 6 of Amatista

She rocked her hips against his face and moaned into the gag. Heat gathered force inside her core, readying for an explosion. It needed only a trigger. Something that would release it all.

And she prayed a thousand prayers, all in a quick, breathless second, that he would fuck her now.

“You are too sweet,” he murmured against her sex, his husky voice quivering over her swollen lips. “I want you to climax in my mouth.”

She could see he’d closed his eyes and the way he was licking her suddenly changed from a slow sampling to a full-blown feasting. Soon it was his tongue spearing inside her, fast and sure, rubbing inside her moistened walls. His huge but gentle hands gripped her inner thighs open, his hungry growls muffled against her cunt just as her own were muffled by the gag.

Liana had stopped thinking minutes ago. She was humping his face, straining against her bindings because the pleasure was so intense she couldn’t just lay there. She had to move, she had to find…

Even with the cloth, her sudden, desperate “please” was unmistakable. As clear as the language her body used.

He jerked back when he heard it, stumbling away from her as if she’d just kicked his balls.

Steadying himself, he gazed down at her for a moment, panting. His lips glowed with her juices and there was something primal and lusty in his eyes. The room smelled of her arousal. And under his gaze she squirmed in discomfort.

Soundlessly, and like a man with no strength to face a battle, he crossed the tent and left her. Alone. She heard nothing but the haunting echo of her breathing.

Liana wanted to cry. She wanted to take the gag off and demand he come back and…touch her, damn him!

Now she understood how completely helpless, vulnerable and exposed he’d felt. Surely her touching him had left him aching this way.

There were sounds outside, Fohers talking in hushed tones. Then she heard more and more of that mipe word. Liana wished the savage would come back here and she’d show the bastard some mipe!

But when the flap of the tent opened, it was another Foher who stepped inside. A very hairy one. Very large, old, fat one, unlike the other Fohers she’d seen.

In that second her heart stopped beating.

She watched with a sinking feeling in her stomach as he walked toward her. The widened gaze feasting on her body had the effect of a bucket of ice.

Liana had thought she was frustrated moments ago, but the feeling roiling inside her now gave her previous desperation new meaning.

He was coming nearer, pausing only a foot away from her. He grunted.

If that meant he liked her, she was doomed!

She squirmed, warning him with bulging eyes that he dare not move any closer or she’d…do something. But he was more interested in her nipples than her eyes.

She squealed when he put a greasy, slimy hand on each breast.

“No, Luka!”

Liana sagged with relief when she heard that voice.

The ugly Foher dropped his hands. A heated argument ensued in their language. No mipe this time. Only simu, simu, as her captor slapped his big, hard chest. And oh dear, that chest could break a rock.

Ugly looked crestfallen, lowering his gaze in deference. Before leaving, he stopped by the door and spoke her captor’s name.

His name was Kavi.

Liana thought it was…nice. For an insensitive bastard.

After Kavi nodded, they were once again alone. He stared at her for a long moment before starting forward. Every step he took made her heart beat faster. She was sure by the time he reached her, she would die.

When his face was close enough for her to look into his beautiful silver eyes, she felt her sex swamp. Again. She whimpered softly, her eyelashes drifting shut as she waited for his touch. Wanting it. Shamelessly.

Endless seconds passed. She could feel his stare, but not the big, calloused hands of the warrior.

“Open your eye