Page 25 of Amatista

All around her, one by one, the Fohers fell to their knees. Tired and haggard, they were rendered incapable of standing at the sight of Amatista. Galina’s face was moist with a fresh path of tears, while Ajay’s jaw quivered with emotion.

“We’re here,” Kavi said, turning to face her with a look of awe. “Liana, we’re here,” he said in a disbelieving breath. And as if that wasn’t enough, he flung his head back, lifted his fists up to the wind and roared, “We are here!”

Fohers jumped to their feet, arms thrusting up as high as Kavi’s, their mimicking cries echoing within the mountains.

And just like that Liana wanted to weep.

A hundred-year search had ended today. A hundred years without a home, without shelter, without protection, ended right here for the Fohers. And all the years Liana had carried the burden of this map, all the sufferings she’d known because of it, now seeme

d like nothing. That enormous weight, sometimes so heavy on her shoulders, seemed to lift right then, making her feel light as a feather as Kavi swept her into his arms and twirled her around.

Tiny drops of tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she flew about the air, laughing with him. She couldn’t have been more grateful that it had been she, Liana, who’d helped bring these worthy, wonderful people home.

When he set her down, Kavi held her close to him. Liana buried her face in his chest for a moment and then he cupped her cheeks in his hands and pulled back to stare at her. His smile gradually vanished as he gazed into her eyes, his beautiful silver gaze so full of feeling that it made up for the thousand times no one had said I care.

I love you.

I will be with you.

I will protect you.

And all that she saw there made her heart soar, swelling with the same emotions she read in him.

“We’re here—because of you,” Kavi said, gently stroking her cheek.

She curled a hand around his wrist and closed her eyes briefly against the gentle stroke of his fingers. “Kavi, we’re also here because of you, their leader, who never gave up. You never let them down.”

“You suffered because of us,” he said ruefully, shaking his head. “No Foher will forget that. We owe you our lives—our families’ lives.”

Slow, languid warmth spread through her womb, her body singing at his nearness. “You owe me nothing. I owe you my life—you made me live again, Kavi. I’ve never known happiness like I’ve known with you.”

Raised voices intruded on them, a group of Fohers suddenly surrounding them, all talking at once.

Kavi gave them his full attention while Liana inched closer to him, seeking his body for protection. She didn’t even notice her hands gripping his forearm. “Kavi. What did they say?” she asked when the Fohers fell silent, as if waiting for Kavi to reply. Liana decided the first thing she was going to do as soon as she was able was sit down with Galina to learn the language.

Luka stepped forward and spoke. Kavi promptly answered him. Then a second Foher spoke up, nodding toward Liana. And so it went until Liana’s head spun from the quick toss and turn from here to there as she tried to keep track of each Foher who spoke. Then, to her horror, all Fohers began to point their fingers at her.

Her eyes turned huge. “What?” she asked in bewilderment.

Taking her by the waist and securing her to his side in a gesture full of possessiveness, Kavi gave her a reassuring smile before he turned to the group and continued to converse, Liana all but forgotten.

She glowered, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. “Kavi, if you’re talking about me, I think it’s very rude, especially when I have no idea—”

“We must open the portal,” he interrupted.

Liana was immediately suspicious. “What has that to do with me?”

His smile, slow in coming but quick in its effect, warmed her cheeks to a reddish hue. “You are the key.”

Liana started. “Me?”


Her head spun from this sudden, unexpected revelation. She was the key. And she had no idea—absolutely no idea—what to do.

They’d found Amatista after days and nights of hardship. Now it seemed as if all eyes were being drawn to Liana, their hopeful, expectant gazes wrenching her heart. “Kavi,” she said nervously. “How am I supposed to open it?” Her hands shook at her sides while claws of fear scraped up her throat. What if she couldn’t open it? What if she failed the whole tribe after everything they’d been through?

“I am unsure.” Kavi’s gaze drifted past her shoulders, toward the rocky river. “But it is written, on your back, that you are to open it.”