Page 9 of Amatista

“I am perfectly content where I am.”

“You are freezing to your death!”

“It’s just a little chill.” She shivered, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

“You need to get warm. Come here I said! I am more than sure that I am speaking to you in English!”

“And believe me, I understood you the first time, but I’d rather stay here and quake to death than—hey!” He’d already stomped toward her, lifted her and carried her back to the luxuriant pelts. He shoved her under the top one, settling himself behind her and using an arm to lock her against him.

“There. You will sleep now.”

“I’m not sleepy,” she said, yawning.

He smiled at her stubbornness, sure that a tree would be more cooperative. Then he groaned when she clutched the edge of the pelt to her chin and snuggled back against him. Her rump rubbed against his cock, and for that alone now he was the one who wanted to go sit by the tree and freeze to death. His loins were hotter than the fire. “Stop squirming,” he commanded.

“I’m just…getting comfy. There!” she declared, his cock nestled perfectly between her ass cheeks.

“I don’t find this position comfortable,” he protested.

“What a pity. I’m dozing off already.”

Kavi focused on steadying his breathing. With the tranquil air around them and the eerie silence of the forest, it seemed as though every Foher could hear how hard and fast Kavi was panting.

He could almost feel over a dozen pairs of puzzled Fohers eyeing him with

pity. For certain they understood his plight. Already many of them were moaning under their pelts, taking their partners, quenching their thirst for flesh and union. Others had stolen into the woods, where Kavi knew for certain what they were doing. Swapping couples or sharing their mates with another Foher. While Kavi lay there with a rock for a cock and aching for the slim little human. He almost stormed into the woods, following the mischievous couples to demand someone—anyone with a mouth—suck his cock for relief. Instead he remained rigid, feeling drunk with her scent and nearness, and closed his eyes.

Amatista, he thought desperately. Help us find our way home.

* * * * *

More than two weeks with the Fohers and Liana was starting to pity the similar nomads who had long ago roamed the Earth. Having nowhere to go.

They’d been wandering aimlessly for days, through lakes turned a deep, simmering orange by the sea life underneath, past rocky terrain and humid forests. Whether anyone knew were they were headed was a mystery to her.

Parties of six and eight were sent to scout the areas beforehand, while other Fohers trailed behind, sprinting to join the group when anything noteworthy came up. Such as news from dear ol’ Lyle.

Kavi didn’t seem to like whatever these Fohers said to him when they returned, for every time the scouts left, more and more Fohers went with them.

First they’d headed east, then a scout had pointed north and they changed direction. Liana had seen the mountains in the distance with their lovely peaks topped with snow, and wondered if that was their destination, how damn long it would take to get there.

She’d never exercised so much in her life!

Every second of the day she counted the hours until night, when she would get to lay down next to Kavi and sleep until sunrise.

As they traveled each day under a blazing sun, Liana quickly noticed the Fohers were surprisingly agile for such big, muscled clumps. She had trouble keeping up, with many scuffs on her knees to prove it.

She’d learned many things about the Fohers by now.

There was not enough food on the whole planet Earth to fill their bellies. There was no mountain they couldn’t climb. And not enough hours in a day for walking.

They were fierce hunters. And after getting her palate accustomed, she discovered they weren’t all that bad cooks.

They were surprisingly respectful. Of the animals they hunted, of nature. Liana had been startled by the strange, prayer-like mumbles they uttered before eating. Now she almost recited them herself.

More than anything else, Fohers were warriors—and the women were their equals. Some women trained beside them, while those with children hunted for food while the others trained.

By day, when the sun warmed the soil and there were no clouds to filter it, the Fohers wore very little clothing. Liana had caught herself staring several times, almost drooling as she watched all those muscles at work—particularly Kavi’s hefty ones.