She thought about her own sister. She’d stopped trying to run Tamsyn’s life for her, too. Kulal had gently told her it really was time to let go and Hannah had listened, even if it had been hard to stand back and let the fiery little redhead blaze her own unpredictable path.

Possibly one of the biggest changes in her husband’s life had been his change of attitude towards his mother’s death. He’d told Hannah that he’d given her words a great deal of thought and realised she was right. He had given the Ashkhazar Times an exclusive interview, talking frankly about his mother’s suicide for the first time and the need to be open about mental health issues. The piece had gone viral. International charities had applauded his honesty and his candour, and confronting the issue had somehow allowed Kulal to make his peace with it at last—just as Hannah had predicted.

Turning her head, Hannah saw that the Sheikh was watching her and her heart welled up with love. And longing.

‘You were looking very wistful just then,’ he observed softly.

‘Was I? I was thinking about everything which had brought us to the point we’re at now.’

‘And your conclusion is?’

Luxuriously, Hannah stretched, and smiled. ‘My conclusion is that I’ve never been so happy and I wouldn’t want it any other way.’ For a second, the smile left her lips as she contemplated an alternative existence. One which didn’t involve the hawk-faced Sheikh who was at the blazing centre of their family life. Which didn’t involve four demanding little girls and the charity work for orphans which gave her so much fulfilment, because it was important to give something back. Especially when you had been given so much yourself...

‘Sometimes I have to pinch myself,’ she admitted on a whisper. ‘To convince myself I’m not dreaming.’

‘Is that so? I can think of a far more gratifying way of reinforcing reality than pinching,’ murmured Kulal, as he gathered her in his arms and brushed his lips over hers. ‘Would this do it, do you think?’

‘Oh, yes. I think so,’ she said.

He kissed her for a long time as some of the heat left the evening air. He kissed her until she began to move restlessly in his arms and then he picked her up and carried her through to their bedroom as the sea breeze billowed the floaty white curtains. He carried on kissing her as, slowly, he undressed her and laid her down on the bed and told her again and again how much he loved her.

‘And I love you, too, Kulal,’ said Hannah shakily. ‘So very much.’

And suddenly they were no longer a king and a queen. They were just a man and a woman making love and speaking love, as the silvery moon rose high over the desert sky.

* * * * *

If you enjoyed CROWNED FOR THE SHEIKH’S BABY by Sharon Kendrick you’re sure to love these other ONE NIGHT WITH CONSEQUENCES stories!


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by Natalie Anderson


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by Annie West

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Keep reading for an excerpt from THE SECRET THE ITALIAN CLAIMS by Jennie Lucas.

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